KNX Scene?

I’m new to Home Assistant but got a couple of things working :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m using KNX system in my house for Spot-Lights, outlets, heating etc.
As I have understood the KNX Integration/component in Home assistant can use the following functions:
Binary Sensor, Cover, Sensor, Switch, Light, Thermostat, Notify
But what about triggering a KNX scene? Anyone know if that’s possible?

Did you try to configure it as a hass-knx-switch?

I’m not sure how to do that to trigger the scene. As i must be able to specify the value to send to the address, a value from 0 to 63 (1-64) in 1 Byte form.
The value is triggering the corresponding scene in the KNX actuators.

So triggering a value “23” to 1/1/23 will trigger scene “23” which could be “all lights on on ground floor” ?

Yes exactly

May you create a feature request here:

Feature request created :slight_smile:

Hi sorry i have issues understanding how that works ?

in what case do you trigger a vlaue to a scene could you provide me with an exmaple ? I have no KNX knowledge an im a curious


Many Knx actors may be configrued with scene values, for example, you can have one dimmer set to 50% and one other to 75% and a switch actor to off and so on by just sending a 1 byte value to the scene group adress. All the actors are set to listen to scene values on that adress, and then configrued with different values for each scene


I am also trying to control KNX keypad whose each button is meant to create a different scene.

All the buttons of the keypad has same group address but different value.

I have set the knx configuration like this as keypad buttons are also switches.

host: ‘’
port: 3671
local_ip: ‘’


  • platform: knx
    name: Kitchen.Coffee
    address: ‘1/1/6’

But this is not working. Can anyone tell me how do I specify the value of each keypad button?

Can switch.turn_on or knx.send service help in this?