KNX window sensor is not responding

Hi All

Sorry for the noob question!
I am in the process of adding my KNX devices to HomeAssistant.
So far Lights, Plugs and Shutters worked fine.
But I am really struggling with, what i thought would be the simplest: the window / door sensors.
I have Siegenia UMS001 sensors on the doors and windows, those were installed and connected to KNX by the electrician.

I can see the sensors responding in ETS 6.1.

I have added them to my knx yaml:

    - name: "Fensterkontakt Erker 2"
      state_address: "2/4/4"
      device_class: window

The configuration was accepted and i can add the sensor to the dashboard. But there is no reaction in HA when the windows being opened and closed. No change of status and nothing in the logs.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Thanks a lot in advance!

Hi :wave:!
In your screenshot there is no payload visible, so if this was somehow different than 1bit it wouldn’t work.

What’s visible however is the source address 2.1.7. Where in your topology does HA hook in? Did you update the filter tables of your routers / line couplers?

Hi Farmio

Thanks a lot for your quick response!!

I do see the payload in the HA KNX section when the window is opened and closed again:

But yes, it does seem to be more than just 0 and 1.

Is there a way to configure the sensor in a different way?

And sorry, for the stupid question: how do I update the filter table of the routers / line coupler? what impact would that have?

Thanks again in advance!

Maybe it is using scenes instead of 1bit payloads.

Probably. Have a look at the ETS application and the actuators manual.
I wonder why this telegrams come from a switch actuator instead of some binary sensor device.

If you don’t want to change the KNX side of things, you can configure a sensor instead of a binary_sensor. Or maybe a select - but that would be bidirectional - which isn’t appropriate for a window sensor.
Otherwise use a sensor and some HA logic to convert it to a binary sensor helper.

The telegrams seem to reach HA, so there is not really anything to do immediately. Still it seems the topology isn’t set up properly - which could lead to problems in the future.
Tldr: you can’t freely choose the individual addresses of KNX devices.
You can find more information about the basics of KNX topology on or relevant books (or maybe at if you have a thick skin).