Kodi configuration

Hi all,

New to Home Assistant, and it’s a lot easier to confiure than openHAB!

I’m configuring my Kodi boxes, and have an issue with this:

2017-07-02 19:21:48 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [media_player.kodi]: value is not allowed for dictionary value @ data[‘turn_off_action’]. Got ‘none’. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/media_player.kodi/

I have read the documentaion and have this line in my configuration file:

media_player living_kodi:
name: Living Room
platform: kodi
port: 8080
host: ...**
username: *******
password: *******
turn_off_action: none

Any ideas or have I found a bug?

Thanks in advance


Can you format your code using 3 quotes before and after?
seems to me your first line is already wrong.
It should say:

  - platform: kodi

Hi PuckStar

Here is some modified code I have tried with the same error message.

2017-07-03 09:21:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [media_player.kodi]: value is not 
allowed for dictionary value @ data['turn_off_action']. Got 'none'. (See ?, line ?).
Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/media_player.kodi/

media_player living_kodi:
  - platform: kodi
    name: Living Room
    port: 8080
    host: ip address
    turn_off_action: none

The first line (media_player living_kodi:) is formatted as suggested here: https://home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/devices/



Delete the line turn_off_action: none

mf_social, I have tried that, and the error does not reappear, however the turn off button is still present in the user interface, and if pressed a pop up appears saying “Turned off xxxxx”, which does nothing to kodi.

If I change the setting to quit then kodi does quit.

In my setup I do not want kodi to quit as it is the front end for a media centre setup.

Am I correct in saying that my syntax and understanding of the available options is correct?

Also should Hass be accepting input from the power button on the UI and giving the message that the device is turned off when it’s default option is ‘none’? I would assume that if it is configured to ‘none’ then the button is not required and the pop up should not appear.


I think that the button stays there regardless, as it is just how the Kodi UI card is.