Hello. New here, and new to HA, and most of the other things that I will have forthcoming questions on. I’ve been searching here and there, this forum, hyperion forums, youtube, odroid forums, and any other places I can find for the last week and all I’m doing is getting myself more confused. Here’s what I want to do:
Install some combination of Kodi, Home Assistant, and Hyperion (or suitable alternative ambilight solution) among the two devices that I already own - an odroid C2, and a RPi3. I also own a Raspberry Pi model B, if it can somehow help in all of this, but I’m worried it might be under powered?
I currently have the odroid running LibreELEC, and it does a great job at it, so if possible I’d like to not go back to the RPi3 for Kodi, because I find the odroid to be much peppier. At the moment the RPi3 is running Hass.io. My goal was to run Hyperion on the Pi, and mount everything up discretely behind the TV using Velcro strips or something. (If it matters, I only have one HDMI cable running to the TV, all other components are located in a closet somewhere else.) I tried installing Raspbian (stretch lite) on the Pi, then installing the virtualenv of HA, but the instructions on this site did not work for me, and a lot of googling and trying different things failed also. Seemed that installing Python was the step that I kept getting hung up on. The line of thinking was… I could put Hyperion and HA on the Pi, and mount the Pi, Arduino, and power supplies behind the TV. Now, my plan is: tonight when I get off work, try to install docker on the Hass.io installation and maybe put Hyperion in a docker container? Please forgive me if that’s not the proper nomenclature.
Any suggestions or advice for how to negotiate these three services, among these two devices would be greatly appreciated. How would you do it?
Note: I did see a guide at the odroid forum just a few minutes ago, for installing HA on an odroid, so I’ll try that also, then the Pi can be standalone for Hyperion which should be straight forward.