I’m trying to use the Hass logo as custom icon for Kodi notifications. The component page for Kodi states:
Kodi comes with 3 default icons: info, warning and error, an URL to an image is also valid. Defaults to info
I’ve downloaded an image of the homeassistant logo and saved it to www/icons/hasslogo.png. My notification is properly working but the custom icon does not appear. Resizing the image to a smaller size didn’t work either.
I’ve tried to specify the url to the image like this:
Late answer but glad you found a solution! I got it to work too but I’m having trouble using the icons in data_templates. For example:
- service: notify.kodi
title: Homeassistant
message: >
{% if is_state("input_select.raspiapp", "Restart Homeassistant") %} Homeassistant wird neu gestartet.
{% elif is_state("input_select.raspiapp", "Restart Dasher") %} Dasher wird neu gestartet.
{% elif is_state("input_select.raspiapp", "Reboot Pi") %} Raspberry Pi wird neu gestartet.
{% elif is_state("input_select.raspiapp", "Shutdown Pi") %} Raspberry Pi wird heruntergefahren.
{% endif %}
icon: "http://IP:8123/local/hasslogo.jpg"
This does not work whereas it works perfectly fine in a situation without a template. Where do I have to place the icon part of the script in templates? Can anyone help?
It’s actually quite easy. I did not need a data_template in this case although the automation worked fine with it. This is the solution:
- service: notify.kodi
title: Homeassistant
message: >
{% if is_state("input_select.raspiapp", "Restart Homeassistant") %} Homeassistant wird neu gestartet.
{% elif is_state("input_select.raspiapp", "Restart Dasher") %} Dasher wird neu gestartet.
{% elif is_state("input_select.raspiapp", "Reboot Pi") %} Raspberry Pi wird neu gestartet.
{% elif is_state("input_select.raspiapp", "Shutdown Pi") %} Raspberry Pi wird heruntergefahren.
{% endif %}
icon: "http://IP:8123/local/hasslogo.jpg"