Kogan Kettle - Reading temperature template

I have Tasmota (v8.3.1) on my kettle as per https://templates.blakadder.com/kogan-KASMCDSKTLA.html but can’t configure a sensor for the temperature.
Home Assistant 0.111.4

as per docs I have added the following

# Kogan Kettle temperature
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Kettle Temperature"
    state_topic: kettle/tele/RESULT
    value_template: >-
      {% if 5 == value_json.TuyaReceived.DpId %}
         {{ value_json.TuyaReceived.DpIdData | int(base=16) }}
      {% else %}
        {{ states('sensor.kogan_temperature') }}
      {% endif %}
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'

the payload appears correct and tried testing it in Developer Tools \ Template but it is not extracting the data.

Imitate available variables:
{% set value_json = {
} %}

      {% if 5 == value_json.TuyaReceived.DpId %}
         {{ value_json.TuyaReceived.DpIdData | int(base=16) }}
      {% else %}
        Not Working
      {% endif %}

How should I be getting the decimal version of “00000039”?


{{ value_json.TuyaReceived['5'].DpIdData | int(base=16) }}

If there’s a possibility that the received payload doesn’t contain a key named TuyaReceived['5'] then the template should first confirm that it exists before it attempts to use it.

      {% if value_json.TuyaReceived['5'] is defined %}
         {{ value_json.TuyaReceived['5'].DpIdData | int(base=16) }}
      {% else %}
        Not Working
      {% endif %}

Thank you for the quick reply.

The final sensor config was

# Kogan Kettle temperature
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Kettle Temperature"
    state_topic: kettle/tele/RESULT
    value_template: >-
      {% if value_json.TuyaReceived['5'] is defined %}
         {{ value_json.TuyaReceived['5'].DpIdData | int(base=16) }}
      {% else %}
        {{ states('sensor.kettle_temperature') }}
      {% endif %}
    unit_of_measurement: '°C'