Kogan Smarterhome products


Hope all is well with you!! :slight_smile:

I’m a new user. I have not much understanding of HA. I have bought and installed a number of globes (light bulbs) from Kogan Smarterhome.

The products works great. I’m able to add them all to Alexa app and control them well. I’m however running out of IP addresses on my network. My router supports upto 64 devices (so 64 IP addresses) on the network. Its an Asus Rt88u router.

Just wondering if I can get some sort of 2.4ghz wireless hub that can connect to all the devices on a separate network and manage them. I’m wondering if the Amazon Echo 4th Gen which comes with the built-in hub will be my solution?

Would love to hear from the experts out there. :slight_smile:

Also, I’m amazed that in spite of the large number of products by Kogan smarterhome, there is no dedicated support channel for the same. Can’t find any discussion forums with users of these product discussing problems and solutions.

Thank you in advance!!

Stay safe and have a good one. :upside_down_face:
