Konected Siren Configuration

I’ve had my Konnected board configured for a while with an automation to arm and disarm when people are home etc. To date, I’ve not configured the siren as I’m not 100% on the correct settings. My automation currently sends a notification when triggered.

The doco has these options

Pulse Duration (optional): The duration in ms to pulse the switch once activated.

Pause between pulses (optional): The duration in ms to wait between pulses when activated.

Times to repeat (optional): The number of times to repeat the pulse each time the switch is activated.

I’m trying to understand if these are optional, will the siren trigger if not configured. I have done some testing and can trigger the alarm with variables in here such as sound for 5 seconds. What I’m wanting is to have the alarm (siren) sound for 3 mins, but if the alarm is disarmed have the siren stopped. It is my understanding that if I set these optional variables, that once triggered they will sound until the duration has ended.

Is my understanding correct or can I set the alarm to sound for a long period but silence the alarm if disarmed. I hope that makes sense.
