I got a konnected alarm panel and it was quickly detected and set up in homeassistant. It worked great and detected binary sensor changes (i.e. doors opening/closing) great for a few days. I then attempted to set up notifications via a Telegram bot. Ever since I included that, HA has not been able to detect any state changes. I’ve rolled the HA version back, removed the Telegram integration from my configuration.yaml, deleted and redid the integration with the konnected panel, restarted both devices, and reinstalled the latest firmware on the konnected. I tried to set up port forwarding with duckdns and nginx. I also opened a ticket with konnected as well. I can see the entities in HA and but their status only updates upon restarting HA and then never again.
Has anyone else experienced this? Any tips? I can’t even figure out if the issue is with HA or Konnected.
Figured it out with the help of the folks at Konnected along with some documentation. No idea why it worked at first and then didn’t, but the issue was the signal needing to be unencrypted between the Konnected and HA. The documentation that helped me the most is here.
Needed to set up some port forwarding and nginx. Seems to be working now, and also seems to be completely unrelated to creating the Telegram bot.
OMG i’m so sorry i didn’t see you reply until just now. Ok for nginx all i did was follow the setup instructions in the documentation tab and point it at my duckdns domain. Then i set up port forwarding for port 443 on my router (in addition to port 8123).
I’m still struggling to keep https working with this, though, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
Another pro-tip since I recently upgraded my router and had to reconfigure everything. In the nginx configuration, it’s important to include the “https://” and the “:port” parts of the XXXX.duckdns.org URL. This was preventing it from working for me. Simple fix but boy did it take me a while to figure out why it wasn’t working.