Konnected.io alternative (with ethernet)?

Just sharing this if anyone was is interested or someone is actually using this with Home Assistant already.

Arduino + I/O Breakout To Security Sensors

Wondering if its possible to implement the Konnected.io code on an Arduino?

From: https://www.superhouse.tv/iobreakout/
The I/O Breakout To Security Sensors allows you to connect up to 8 security sensors to the analog inputs of your Arduino, so that it can detect things like motion from motion detectors but also detect if the wires have been short-circuited or cut. This is essential for maintaining the integrity of cables to security sensors, and it’s often called “end-of-line” sensing. This breakout also supplies power to the sensors down the cable. By connecting two of these breakouts to the I/O Breakout Mega shield, you can make your own 16-zone security system powered by an Arduino Mega: