Konnected not working after 0.106.0 update

And discovery: false
Reverted back to 105.5 to test and that works ok, I wonder what it can be.

Yeah that too, just for the heck of it, try rem’ing out the second controller section, see if it’s having two of them?

Will try removing it and also enable debugging to see if anything else gets logged

Stopped working directly after the update too. No log errors either.

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post your yaml config so maybe we can do a stare and compare as to why mine works others dont.

You might find a solution (or not) in this discussion:

Salty John, thanks for the info. I just had to go to the integration config and configure each connected board through the GUI. I guess it just reads my configuration. yaml and sets up the devices with integration. Seems to be working fine now. Thanks!

Cool. I just upgraded mine, as well, and it went relatively smoothly.

@Spraguej248 Did it detect your IP and Port automatically in the integration? I had to manually enter mine.


I notice that you have multiple chirps set up on zone 5. I have something similar but only one of them works after upgrading to 0.106.0 and going through the config UI with the others being unavailable, Did you figure out how to work around this?

For that, I still left the config yaml in there for those settings, (so I have both right now, integration and yaml).

Same here… I didn’t delete the yaml but it appeared to ignore those entries when the configuration was imported into the new device config and options flow. May try again tomorrow when I’m not feeling so cranky about it.

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Here’s how I fixed my konnected integration after upgrading to 106.

  • I kept my konnected section in the configuration.yaml.
  • I went to developer settings->Logs -> load the full logs. Search for ‘konnected’ and you should find all the boards you had previously connected. Copy the ip address, mac address, and port of each board.
  • Go to the integrations page and click configure next to the konnected discovered device. Reference the mac address of the board you are configuring. Go to the next page and enter the IP address and port related to that mac address.
  • After you succeed and it is asking about areas, don’t enter anything, just click finish.
  • Your board should now be back online and the zones you configured in your configuration.yaml will be working again. Rinse and repeat with as many boards as you have.

I have three konnected boards. Two detected fine. The third detected the IP and port, but have me an error. I just kept hitting submit four or five times and then it accept the entry. Everything seems to be working fine now.


It was frustrating for a moment there. My Konnected boards have been my most rock-solid integration, and rightfully so as they are my primary line of defense for security. I really hope I don’t run into any other problems with them.

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My entities got renamed so the ones I had configured in Lovelace had to be changed as they no longer exist. Check the status screen to see if you have new entities.

I got the same issue where it was asking for IP address and port. I rebooted the HA machine and this time the IP address and port got populated automatically. Submitted it and it worked as before. The only difference I see is the additional entry in the integration page - konnected.io

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My turn… Upgraded, am three boards unavailable. Eventually it discovered them but all.the zones still and unavailable.

I went through the integrations and looks like it’s wanting me to re configure the boards through the gui?

The ip’s match. I’ve rebooted many times

Is it wanting me to re setup my boards through the integrations gui now?

You’re setting up but it’s pulling info from the yaml config.

Ok I’m about to try 106.0 again, will I remove all Konnected info from config.yaml and just go to integrations and add it like that? How will it know all my sensors name etc?

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No leave everything in yaml, just run the integrations part too (they work side by side for now).

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