Konnected Sensor triggers too often

I’m using Konnected to make my old alarm system work w/ home assistant. Works great, check it out if you haven’t. The only problem is that the motion sensors turn on and off very rapidly. One of my kids just triggered a slew of events walking downstairs. (See attached.) Is there any way to smooth it out or to make the sensor stay active for a full minute before turning back off?

You didn’t “attach” anything. :slight_smile: Also, not familiar with Konnected. But, at least for automations, you can easily prevent multiple triggers if the motion sensor is toggling a lot. E.g., let’s say you want something to happen when the sensor first turns on, and you have an automation for that. Also, you want to do something else when motion detection stops, and you have another automation for that. Those could look something like this:

- alias: Motion detected
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.MOTION
    to: 'on'
    condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.MOTION
    state: 'off'
      minutes: 2
    # Actions go here...

- alias: Motion stopped
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.MOTION
    to: 'off'
      minutes: 2
    # Actions go here...

The idea is, the first automation triggers when motion is first detected. Then neither automation triggers until the motion sensor has gone off and stays off for two minutes (no matter how many times it’s gone off and on in the meantime – adjust the time as desired), at which time the second automation will trigger. Then the next time the sensor goes on (which is after it being off for at least two minutes), the process will start over. I think this might help. Hopefully I didn’t miss something. :wink:

That’s cool, thanks!!