Konnected: what is correct endpoint addess?

After some Ha upgrades I lost Konnected board statuses in HA. At the same time Konnected HA integration seems sends configuration data to with the board; I see sensors are updated on the board via its UI but I do not see any sensors status updates in HA… It looks like the board cannot deliver statuses to HA as it explained here Sensor state callbacks : Konnected Help & Support
I suspect it cannot access the endpoint address (my Hassio installation). Please explain me what is the correct format of the Hassio address I need to put as an endpoint for the board?

So far I tried following addresses (and i see them on the board while accessing it via UI - but nothing helps:
https://tratata.duckdns.org:8123 <— even external one…

How it was working before … I have no idea…

Also, collected log from the board.

Konnected firmware 2.3.0
NodeMCU build 20190805 powered by Lua 5.1.4 on SDK 2.2.1(6ab97e9)
Heap: 	41712	Initializing Konnected (a9a9a9a9a9a9a9a9)
Heap: 	40424	Application Version: 	2.3.5
Heap: 	40176	Connecting to Wifi..
> Heap: 	41672	Wifi connected with IP:	Gateway:
Heap: 	41832	Current Date/Time:	2021-09-07 21:04:35 UTC
Heap: 	41744	Booting Konnected application
Heap: 	41656	UPnP:	Listening for UPnP discovery
Heap: 	41168	HTTP: 	Starting server at
Heap: 	40984	Loaded: 	server
Heap:	38912	Initializing sensor pin:	1
Heap:	38880	Initializing sensor pin:	2
Heap:	38880	Initializing sensor pin:	5
Heap:	38880	Initializing sensor pin:	6
Heap:	38880	Initializing sensor pin:	7
Heap:	38880	Initializing actuator pin:	8	on:	1	off:	0
Heap:	38344	REST Endpoint:
Heap: 	38312	Loaded: 	application
Heap:	37904	HTTP Call:	-1
Heap:	37872	Initialized actuator Pin:	8	Trigger:	1	Initial state:	0
Heap:	38504	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1
Heap:	37992	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1
Heap:	38456	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	1
Heap:	37936	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	1
Heap:	38456	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	2
Heap:	37944	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	2
Heap:	38456	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	3
Heap:	37944	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	3
Heap:	38456	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	4
Heap:	37928	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	4
Heap:	38392	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	5
Heap:	37944	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	5
Heap:	38456	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	6
Heap:	37944	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	6
Heap:	38456	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	7
Heap:	37944	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	7
Heap:	38456	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	8
Heap:	37944	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	8
Heap:	38456	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	9
Heap:	37944	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	9
Heap:	38456	HTTP Call:	0	state	1	pin	1	retry	10
Heap:	37936	HTTP Call:	-1	state	1	pin	1	retry	10
Heap:	37784	Retried 10 times and failed. Rebooting in 30 seconds.

It is clear, the board cannot make a call to the endpoint : although if this call is made from a browser the Konnected integration on HA replies!!! What is wrong with the same call executed by the board???