KW02 Tuya video doorbell integration

So I have a Tuya doorbell model KW02 and I’m trying to integrate with home assistant but until now it is very limited.

Currently what I can do with the official tuya integration is:

  • Camera stream
  • Flip screen
  • Change light indicator
  • Activate motion alarm
  • Change sensitivity
  • Change volume

What I would like to have is:

  • Get a button press notification
  • Audio stream two-way
  • Open door lock

I can do this in the official app but it’s not very practical and the app is very slow in the old tablet I have installed on the wall (also doesn’t work well in landscape?!).

For the button press notification I have an indoor chime and probably I could use a RF bridge to “catch” the signal but I’m not sure if it’s possible. There is no info about the chime (model, operation frequency, etc)
For the audio I have no idea
For the open door I can do it using a wifi switch like shelly or sonoff but it would be great to have a way to use the exiting hardware for that.

Any ideas or suggestions?