kWh- modbus- sensor can't be used -> error in config

Hi, I got a UMG604 PowerMeter. With modbus I can read the values, but I can’t use them in the utility meter.

The Metering-Value-Part:

     - name: Wirkenergie Summe
        scan_interval: 10
        unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
        address: 19060
        slave: 1
        input_type: input #input #holding (default)
        data_type: float
        count: 2
        scale: 0.001
        device_class: energy
        reverse_order: false
        precision: 2

and the utility meter section

 #   source: sensor.energy_spent
#    source: sensor.main_energy_kWh
    source: sensor.Wirkenergie Summe
    name: Tägliche Energie
    cycle: daily
      - peak
      - offpeak
 #   source: sensor.energy_spent
#    source: sensor.main_energy_kWh
    source: sensor.Wirkenergie Summe
    name: Monatliche Energie
    cycle: monthly
      - peak
      - offpeak

→ got this error:

Invalid config for [utility_meter]: Entity ID Wirkenergie Summe is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data['utility_meter']['daily_energy']['source']. Got 'Wirkenergie Summe'
Entity ID Wirkenergie Summe is an invalid entity ID for dictionary value @ data['utility_meter']['monthly_energy']['source']. Got 'Wirkenergie Summe'. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 2781).

How can I use the modbus-measuring point in the utility meter?


I think your entity_id is incorrect. Try to find the actual entity_id in Developer Tools —> States

Probably it will be sensor.wirkenergie_summe

@ardysusilo BIG thx, learned something :grin: