Kwickset 910 Zigbee - Cannot Lock or Unlock

I have a Kwikset 910 that has Zigbee. I am able to pair the lock with ZHA and it shows me status, temp, and batter, but I cannot get the lock to actuate. I’ve seen other examples with Zwave but I don’t see that those solutions would apply to Zigbee. Is the 910 not compatible with ZHA via Zigbee or am I missing a config step?

“Confirmed working with Zigbee2MQTT” No mentions of ZHA oder deCONZ (which does not mean that it’s not supported). Can you show the created device from the developer tools?

Is this what you were asking for?

Didn’t ask for a screenshot, but the content is fine. But there must be more entities, I don‘t see temp, battery and stuff

I’m able to see the following:

unit_of_measurement: ‘%’
friendly_name: Kwikset SMARTCODE_DEADBOLT_5 bb7208fd power
device_class: battery

unit_of_measurement: °C
friendly_name: Kwikset SMARTCODE_DEADBOLT_5 bb7208fd temperature
device_class: temperature

friendly_name: Kwikset SMARTCODE_DEADBOLT_5 bb7208fd door_lock

I’ve looked for the config file that contains the lock but I haven’t been sucessful. I’m guessing there is either a part of the config missing and/or I need to add elements for the lock/unlock functions.

What annoys me is that the actual lock is „unavailable“, while temp, battery attributes can be read.

I assume that the lock function is not supported by ZHA.

You can however try to call service lock.lock or lock.unlock as mentioned here.

Did you ever make any progress on this? I’m considering buying this lock, and curious if is working yet for lock/unlock using ZHA.

No I never got it to work. When I pair the lock with HA, it can see the battery and the lock state, but nothing else works. Eventually, it just falls off the network.

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