Kwikset smartcode 916 status and updates

Nice work thank you

Anyone know if this has been included in the most recent update? Guessing not since my lock is still having this issue.

Looks like it should be included in the next version 0.113

@firstof9 thanks. How do I find that info in the future?

You can look around on the github PR’s tab:

It has been in since at least 111.0, if not earlier. I checked that tag on the git repo and see the change listed in the file. Additionally its working fine for me right now.

@firstof9 - am I reading this wrong? Where do you see 0.113?

I think I mixed up my threads lol

I’m running the current version and keep having status issues with my lock. Thought it wasn’t in this version due to that. I see several ways to use Zwave devices, what’s the proper way? I’m currently using the zwave integration but also see OpenZwave under Add-ons.


I’m using the OpenZWave (Beta), experiencing the same issue. I just found and successfully tested this solution… Secure Lock Not Updating Status?

I am using it with Kwikset 916 and Yale B1L.

Same issue with openzwave

The proper way to fix this is via the device XML.

Github issue created.

I figured out my issue. My lock was entering the jammed state and I had chisel our some of the wood behind the strike. Seems like the lock is very sensitive to any push back but works great now.

When using locks with smartthings I had a jammed automation/notification. Wonder if I can do the same with HA.

Yes, you can :wink:

I had the same issue when trying to add my kwikset 916 dead bolt; it would let me add it however would not let me control it. As many did, I added my z-wave network key to the config file after my initial z-wave set up. However, I found a much better option then manually entering.
If you have already set up your z-wave network and have added zwave: code to the configuration file follow these steps to fix your secure devices:

Step 1: Remove your secure devices from the z-wave network by selecting the node and clicking “remove node” (Follow each devices remove from network instructions).
Step 2: After you have removed the devices from your network. Remove the z-wave code you manually added to any configuration/option file.
Step 3: Go to Configuration>Integrations> Delete the Z-Wave Integration
(Note: This will not remove your existing devices since they are stored on your Z-Wave Stick. However, if you have created custom names for devices you may have to rename them again after.)
Step 4: Go to Supervisor>System>Reboot
Step 5: Create a network key
(There are many ways to generate one however I just changed some of the characters of this example one I found)
0x67, 0x8b, 0x93, 0x5d, 0x84, 0x8b, 0x58, 0x31, 0x06, 0x08, 0xe9, 0xf7, 0xaa, 0x60, 0x9d, 0x5e
(Note: There should not be a z-wave integration after reboot, also your configuration files should be z-wave free at this point)
Step 6: Go to Configuration>Integration>Click “Add Integration”>Add Z-Wave>A dialog box will pop up with 2 text boxes, Path & Network Key
Step 7: For Path Enter: /dev/ttyACM0 For Network Key Enter your network key without parentheses
Example: 0x67, 0x8b, 0x93, 0x5d, 0x84, 0x8b, 0x58, 0x31, 0x06, 0x08, 0xe9, 0xf7, 0xaa, 0x60, 0x9d, 0x5e
Step 8: Start the Z-Wave network and add your secure devices that you removed using Add Node Secure.


I’ve continued to use this solution with the zwave_js integration. Just stating it here for reference.