I have a lot of labels, I have used them to power/simplify automations, create more flexible and ‘dynamic’ groups, reduce dependency on HACS components, and to help me have a more fine-grained control over my home assistant setup.
… Too many Labels - Not easy to manage
There is no built-in way (AFAIK) to be able to see at a glance how I am using all of these labels, so …
- I wrote a little jinja macro that helps me out with aggregating that data.
- I store the labels data in a template sensor which updates periodically, and when labels are added or removed.
- I present the output in a Flex-Tale Card in my system dashboard.
Custom components used:
This is what it looks like in the browser:
- Being a flex-table, it is a nice sortable table.
This is the jinja macro
File: /custom_templates/labels.jinja
{%- macro labels_usage() -%}
{%- set ns = namespace(labels=[]) -%}
{%- set labels_sorted = labels() | sort -%}
{%- for id in labels_sorted -%}
{%- set entities = label_entities(id) -%}
{%- set devices = label_devices(id) -%}
{%- set areas = label_areas(id) -%}
{%- set count_entities = entities | count | default(0) -%}
{%- set count_devices = devices | count | default(0) -%}
{%- set count_areas = areas | count | default(0) -%}
{%- set count_automations = entities | select('match', '^automation\.') | list | count | default(0) -%}
{%- set count_scripts = entities | select('match', '^script\.') | list | count | default(0) -%}
{%- set count_sensors = entities | select('match', '^(binary_)?sensor\.') | list | count | default(0) -%}
{%- set count_helpers = count_entities - ( count_automations + count_scripts + count_sensors ) -%}
{%- set count_total = count_entities + count_devices + count_areas -%}
{%- set row = dict(
label_id = id,
label_name = label_name(id),
count_entities = count_entities,
count_devices = count_devices,
count_areas = count_areas,
count_automations = count_automations,
count_scripts = count_scripts,
count_sensors = count_sensors,
count_helpers = count_helpers,
count_total = count_total,
) -%}
{%- set ns.labels = ns.labels + [row] -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{- ns.labels | to_json(pretty_print=true) -}}
{%- endmacro -%}
This is the YAML for the template sensor.
# ########################################################################
# Updates: Every hour
# Updates: When label is created, deleted, and (unfortunately updated)
# ########################################################################
- trigger:
- platform: time_pattern
hour: /1
id: every_hour
alias: Every Hour
- platform: event
event_type: label_registry_updated
- name: labels_usage
unique_id: labels_usage
state: >
{{- labels() | count -}}
labels_usage: >
{%- from "labels.jinja" import labels_usage -%}
{{- labels_usage() -}}
icon: mdi:label-percent-outline
This is the YAML for the user interface component.
# ############################################################################
# Flex Table configuration
# ############################################################################
- type: 'custom:flex-table-card'
title: Labels Usage
clickable: false
- name: Name
data: labels_usage
align: left
modify: x.label_name
- name: ID
data: labels_usage
align: left
modify: x.label_id
- name: Total
modify: >-
let count_total = parseInt(x.count_total, 10);
if(count_total > 5 ){
(count_total === 0)
? '<div class="0-negative" style="color:red;">' + count_total + '</div>'
: '<div class="1-negative" style="color:green;">' + count_total + '</div>'
<<: &numeric_column
data: labels_usage
align: right
- name: Devices
modify: x.count_devices
<<: *numeric_column
- name: Entities
modify: x.count_entities
<<: *numeric_column
- name: Areas
modify: x.count_areas
<<: *numeric_column
- name: Automations
modify: x.count_automations
<<: *numeric_column
- name: Script
modify: x.count_scripts
<<: *numeric_column
- name: Sensors
modify: x.count_sensors
<<: *numeric_column
- name: Helpers
modify: x.count_helpers
<<: *numeric_column
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# https://github.com/custom-cards/flex-table-card/blob/0f0260f170660309906358254b8bb1ed7c301f63/docs/example-cfg-css.md
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
table+: 'padding-top: 5px;'
'tbody tr+': 'user-select: text'
'tbody tr:nth-child(even)': 'background-color: #a2542f6;'
'th': 'padding: 0px 0px 10px 3px; background-color: #eeeeee;'
'td': 'padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px'
'td:nth-child(1)': 'font-weight: 700;'
'td:nth-child(2)': 'color: #999999;font-style:italic;'
'td:nth-child(7)': 'color: #999999;font-style:italic;'
'td:nth-child(8)': 'color: #999999;font-style:italic;'
'td:nth-child(9)': 'color: #999999;font-style:italic;'
'td:nth-child(10)': 'color: #999999;font-style:italic;'