Lack of movement from sensor not firing automation or script

I’m almost a complete newbie but normally I can figure things out for myself by looking through the forum, but this time I just can’t figure out why this is not working.
I have a xiaomi motion sensor, connected to HA via Deconz.
I want stuff to happen after 10 minutes of inactivity, so have written this, in a package:

  - alias: no presence in dining room
      - platform: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.presence_15
        to: 'off'
          minutes: 10
      service: script.no_one_in_dining_room
      - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3
          title: "Dining Room Presence"
          message: "No one detected in the dining room for a while"

Note that I’ve simplified the automation and the script to the bare bones here, trying to rule out possibilities, once I’ve got this working it will hopefully do a lot more, hence the use of a script.

I’ve confirmed that the sensor has been off for more than 10 minutes:

but nothing is running

What am I missing?

Do you see the automation under Developer Tools -> States? Is the state of the automation “on”?
Did you double check the entity_id of the motion sensor? If you trigger the automation manually (which will skip the trigger and any conditions and go straight to the action part), does it send the notification?

Wow, that was quick, thank you!

I didn’t know you could trigger the automation manually, but yes, now tried that and triggering the script, both send the notification.

Do you get an error in the logs? Did try to restart HA?