Lacrosse Integration Failing

Recently, I’ve been having issues where my Lacrosse weather station data is unavailable for hours at a time. I’m seeing this on 2 different installations with 2 different Lacrosse stations and accounts. One is running 2025.1.1 and the other is running 2025.1.4.

The logs show the following error: Failed setup, will retry: 429, message=‘Attempt to decode JSON with unexpected mimetype: text/html; charset=utf-8’, url='

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Mine is doing the same thing. Worked on previous versions fine but not on 2025.1.4

Mine as well - right after opening a dashboard it will display, but changes unavailable in about 20 seconds

I’m getting the same thing.

Here is another thread with more activity.

Mine has been offline since 1/27 at 4PM PST. Same message. Tried reinstalling and still failing.

Latest update 2025.2.2 appears to have finally fixed the LaCrosse View issues for my installation. Hopefully others have the same success.