I’m a absolutly beginner in HAS.
Until now I’m verry surprised with the posibilities of integration. 5 stars from my side!
I like it.
I have now started to integrade the component La Crosse sensor with Jelink clone.
With one interface (TX29DHT-IT) its working fine, but now I want to integrated 2 additionally sensors. Now I have to find out the ID from each sensor. According the description I can do it with the command line tool pylacrosse:
This is written in the doku:
Since the sensor change their ID after each powercycle/battery change you can check what sensor IDs are available by using the command-line tool pylacrosse
from the pylacrosse package.
$ sudo pylacrosse -d /dev/ttyUSB0 scan
so now my question. How I can do it? What I have to copy in which directory?
How are the commands to do it
I have installed SSH but here I see only HASSIO …
Sorry, but Linux isn’t my native language…
I hope you can understand my problem.
Thanks for any help
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Hey there,
I can’t help with the pylacrosse problem you have (actually i’m currently testing trying to replace my FHEM with it and i am facing the same)
Anyhow: if you have the sensors with display - those show their ID directly after putting in the battery… Maybe this helps…
Besides that: May I kindly ask you to share your config for the JeeLink and LaCrosse sensors? I’m failing to get mine working at all- simply doesn’t show any values and i’m struggling to find my mistake…
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Hi kronkorken,
I have here 3 Technoline TX29DTH-IT and use an Jeelink clone (Arduino FTDI with RFM12B).
But I get only results with ID"0" all other ID-s are not working ???
Then I also not sure what I have to insert e.g “F0” hex to bin id = 240 ?
Then I have create under Config an subfolder “packages” and here I have my file “lacrosse.yaml”. in the configuration.yaml is only written under
Homeassistant: “packages: !include_dir_named packages”
I’m a new user and can’t upload flles here.
homeassistant: customize:
## Node Anchors
customize: &customize
package: ‘lacrosse_sensor’
- sensor.bad_unten_temperature
- sensor.bad_unten_humidity
- sensor.bad_oben_temperature
- sensor.bad_oben_humidity
- sensor.schlafzimmer_unten_temperature
- sensor.schlafzimmer_unten_humidity
platform: filter
name: “Bad_unten Temperatur”
entity_id: sensor.bad_unten_temperature
- filter: outlier
- filter: lowpass
platform: filter
name: “Schlafzimmer unten Temperatur”
entity_id: sensor.schlafzimmer_unten_temperature
- filter: outlier
- filter: lowpass
platform: filter
name: “Bad oben Temperatur”
entity_id: sensor.bad_oben_temperature
- filter: outlier
- filter: lowpass
platform: lacrosse
device: /dev/ttyUSB0
led: false
name: Bad unten Luftfeuchtigkeit
type: humidity
id: 0
name: Bad unten Temperatur
type: temperature
id: 0
name: Bad unten Sensor Batterie
type: battery
id: 0
name: Schlafzimmer unten Luftfeuchtigkeit
type: humidity
id: 16
name: Schlafzimmer unten Temperatur
type: temperature
id: 16
name: Schlafzimmer unten Sensor Batterie
type: battery
id: 16
name: Bad unten Luftfeuchtigkeit
type: humidity
id: 240
name: Bad oben Temperatur
type: temperature
id: 240
name: Bad oben Sensor Batterie
type: battery
id: 240
I had the same problem finding the ID. This post helped a lot, but it was not 100% correct - it didn’t work.
The ID on the display of the sensor is not the ID you need to put in configurations.yaml. But you can calculate the ID you need from the ID on the display.
The ID you need is hex2dec(ID_on_display) / 4.
For example: After putting in the batteries, the display (if your sensor has one) first shows “SP6” and after that an ID, e.g. “8C”.
Now calc hex2dec(8C) / 4 = 140 / 4 = 35. => 35 is the ID you need to put in configurations.yaml for this example.
I read about this here: Jeelik Modul zur Einbindung von La Crosse! - Seite 119 (in german)
And it works! It was a bug in the very frist LaCrosse-Sketch and they left it like this for compatibility reasons.
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I am currently migrating from FHEM to Homeassistant and this helped me a lot. Thank you!