LaCrosse sensors

As LaCrosse support was introduced with Home Assistant/ 0.58 I would now like to configure my LaCrosse sensors in

According to the documentation the sensor IDs can be found using the pylacrosse package. However, this doesn’t seem to be included in How do I get a list of nearby sensors in

Have you found a solution for the Problem? I’ve switched from FHEM to and i’m also not able to run the pylacross script.
For now i can use the ID’s that FHEM collected in the past. They still work. But once i have to replace the battery i don’t know how to get the new ID…

Same issue for me. Workaround: Unplug JeeLink from, plug it into a PC and run pylacrosse there.

i am trying another workaround:
install open2300 en make a cronjob to read and store the weatherdata in a textfile.
this part works
now i need to read the data from the txtfile into OH
how do i do this?

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at this time i send the wheaterdata to WunderGround, and then use the WU binding in OH
this works