Lambda function test fails and no HA devices are discovered

I have followed your very detailed guide step by step up to the point where it was time to test my lambda function. It fails with the following error every time. I can’t seem to find any further log/output anywhere.

START RequestId: dc52fef5-d6a4-4c67-9d29-760245135f5b Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: dc52fef5-d6a4-4c67-9d29-760245135f5b
REPORT RequestId: dc52fef5-d6a4-4c67-9d29-760245135f5b	Duration: 3003.13 ms	Billed Duration: 3000 ms 	Memory Size: 128 MB	Max Memory Used: 30 MB	
2019-04-05T21:58:00.998Z dc52fef5-d6a4-4c67-9d29-760245135f5b Task timed out after 3.00 seconds

I have tried to paste my BearerToken into the test setup, but still got the same results. Furthermore, I also tried adding ‘/api’ to the URL in the config.json to look like ‘’ but this did not help either.

I tried ignoring this error and just proceeded with setting up my Alexa Skill and was able to follow through with it. The device discovery was not very successful, though:

I don’t have any Alexa compatible hardware in my home apart from two Fire TV Sticks. One of them apparently enables some control over the TV it is connected to: the TV is the only device that was discovered by my skill.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks for your work

PS: Just in case this matters: I am stuck with a DualStack Lite connection and thus don’t have a static ipv4 address. HA is reachable through the DuckDNS domain just fine, though. I don’t have any kind of port forwarding enabled (my router doesn’t even support it).