Hello everyone
I use an RGB matrix in ESPHome and have set up several pages there. I have programmed two scroll animations and am looking for a solution so that I can call them on additional pages (since it is a rather long code) and I do not have to insert this completely on each page again. I would then only like to define the ID of the image, the sensor and the string on the pages
Here is my example:
- platform: matrix_display
id: matrix
width: 64
height: 32
chain_length: 2
brightness: 64
- id: page3
lambda: |-
it.strftime(128, 1, id(clock_time), id(greenyellow), TextAlign::RIGHT, "%H:%M:%S", id(hass_time).now());
//it.printf(32, 31, id(clock_font), id(red), TextAlign::BOTTOM_CENTER, "%.0f ppm", id(co2_stube).state);
// Scrollender Text (Sensorwert)
std::string scrolling_text = "%.0f ppm"; // Verwende std::string "%.0f ppm", id(co2_stube).state);
int font_size = 12;
int scrolling_text_width = scrolling_text.length() * font_size;
int text_start_x = 128;
int text_end_x = 35;
int text_max_x_scroll = 35;
static int current_x_scroll_text = text_start_x;
int text_scroll_speed = 1;
// Überprüfen, ob die Flagge für den Seitenwechsel nicht gesetzt ist
if (id(page_switch_flag) == true) {
current_x_scroll_text = 128;
//id(page_switch_flag) = false; // Zurücksetzen der Flagge
int text_y_position = 31;
it.printf(current_x_scroll_text, text_y_position, id(clock_font), id(red), TextAlign::BOTTOM_LEFT, scrolling_text.c_str(), id(co2_stube).state);
current_x_scroll_text -= text_scroll_speed;
if (current_x_scroll_text < text_max_x_scroll) {
current_x_scroll_text = text_max_x_scroll; // Setzen Sie die Position zurück, um erneut von x128 zu starten
// Scrollendes Bild
*static int current_x_scroll = 0;
int max_x_scroll = 31;
if (id(page_switch_flag) == true) {
current_x_scroll = 0;
id(page_switch_flag) = false; // Zurücksetzen der Flagge
int y_position = 0;
it.image(current_x_scroll, y_position, id(bitmap_co2_stube), ImageAlign::RIGHT);
if (current_x_scroll > max_x_scroll) {
current_x_scroll = max_x_scroll;
Unfortunately, I have not yet been successful in implementing this. Can anyone help me with how to proceed? I have tried substitutions and globals and was not successful. I think it would not be that difficult so I am asking here.
Best regards