Language selection lost from UI in 0.77.1?

I changed the language on my UI to try and help a fellow user. I have since upgraded from 0.76.2 to 0.77.1 and the language selection bit along with the notify platforms are gone from the UI config area?
Already tried to restart HA

Click on your user profile, the setting to change language, theme and password is located there.

When I click on my user profile I can only Delete User.
No other settings are showing up!
Any idea?

Because you are looking at the user manage, not your user profile which is located next to the home assistant title, usually a letter inside a circle.

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Thanks,…sorry for my ignorance

oooh thanks. I’m using home assistant since forever and this wasn’t obvious to me that you have to click the user circle. The user profil should be accessible more obviously.