Lannouncer Alternative - text to speech solution wanted


I have been using the lannouncer service for quite some time now. The app is installed on my android tablet that I use as a dash board.

Unfortunately the app itself is poorly designed and when it comes to reliability only two out of three sent tts commands actually work. I tried everything like keeping WiFi active at all times, granting all permissons and disabeling energy saving options but nothing helped leaving me with the conclusion it could be the apps fault.

Can anybody recommend another solution for basic tts commands for an android device? Thank you!

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I want a alternative too !

I found one.
I use the home assistant app to get notifications and tasker + autonotification (both Android apps) produce tts Output. Works quite stable

This sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately, this is not working on my Fire HD wall panel. Apparently, the notifications don’t get through if you install the android app on top of Fire OS, as the app uses the google notification service.

I would like to have an in-house announcement/alarm/notification system that works even if the Internet is down (say, power outage). I have my server and network hardware backed up with a UPS.

I thought about sending emails instead and catching those notifications with Tasker+Autonotification. But I guess to make this independent from the Internet, I’d have to set up a mail server on my server that runs hass. Sounds like a bit of an overkill. But what won’t we do to get our stuff to work!

The problem is that LANnouncer is not only unreliable, it is also broken on newer Android versions, where apps in “idle” state are automatically killed after seconds to save battery. LANnouncer works for about 15 seconds before it becomes unresponsive. It will work again if restarted, but I haven’t found a way, yet to achieve permanent service.

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