Laser (Tuya) Video Doorbell - any way to get it into HA?

Hi! I found this Laser Smart Indoor Video Doorbell (SMT-CAMDBS-L) at Australia Post for $25 (down from about $130 it seems) and I’m trying to connect it into Home Assistant.
My plan/hope was to use the Local Tuya integration. When I connect it with the Tuya Smart app (or Laser’s Connect SmartHome as in the instructions), it connects, then the app says it’s no longer supported and that I need to use “CloudViewer X” (I see the battery level in these unsupported app, but nothing else). The CloudViewer app works, and I can see the video, etc.

When I connected to Tuya Smart, I was able to see the device in the backend with various “DPs” for timestamp button was last pushed, battery level, etc. but nothing that looked like a video stream. Pressing the doorbell button didn’t cause the Tuya Smart app to respond (unlike with CloudViewer).
When I added it in CloudViewer I first had to “remove device” from the Tuya app and it no longer shows in the Tuya backend site. (I couldn’t have it connected in both apps at once.)

The box says it “works with Google” but when I go to add the device in Google Home, I can link the now-unsupported apps (no good) but CloudViewer is not in the list.
If I add it to the Tuya Smart app, I can then add it in Google Home and get a Google voice notification on my Home Hub when I press the button, but nothing else - no camera stream, so fairly useless.

Has anyone tried this (or a similar) doorbell or have any other ideas for how I could get it properly integrated into Home Assistant (or even just Google Home)? Thanks.

Maybe this. Though it is cloud only at the moment. And beta phase testing, so make a snapshot before trying it.

Thanks for the reply, Tom. I’m not sure how this might help. Do you think it might be possible to add the device as “unsupported” (no iPhone app functionality), then develop a new driver or something to add more fields in tuya IoT backend that are not currently visible? Or, what were you thinking regarding this? Thanks.

That is developed by the official Tuya folks. Eventually the plan is to migrate it to the core of home assistant as an integration. With local support in the works too.

If you try to add your device using it and it does not work you have a feedback method via the beta program direct to Tuya to get it implemented.

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Now i see my tuya doorbell in HA ! :smiley: finnaly!
But there is no trigger for when someone pressing the button :frowning:

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There’s indeed no trigger implemented for Tuya doorbell. Also looking forward to this functionality

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omg how was that missed !!!

I did this without requiring cloud or wifi, documented it here: Make any doorbell smart and detect press event locally (tuya too!)

You could also add a virtual device (Smart Plug). Then create an automation in Smart Life/Tuya App that triggers when doorbell is pushed or even when motion is detected. Then create an Automation in HA taht askes for the state of the virtual smart plug device. Way easier imho…

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I tried that first but didn’t work. My doorbell doesn’t seem to have a trigger when it is pressed (tried with a real light as action). I also did not see my created virtual switch in Home Assistant or the app but maybe I created it incorrectly or I needed to do something more with it.

In any case, while easier, it would be less reliable imo. It would require cloud and internet connection. I always prefer fully local.

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Yes it is more reliable and sure the best option if you can flash :wink:

This worked excellent for me: Get Push Messages by Pulsar (Python SDK)-Tuya IoT Development Platform-Tuya Developer

No need for hardware except for home server to run python application!

This python application sends a push message every time something happens on a device. I then added some extra python code to make it do a web socket to home assistant where an automation activated a Boolean that is a linked doorbell sensor. Text me if you need help with custom code!


i cant believe they STILL havent added the button to the home assistant integration!! what a rip.

bought the doorbell as it had an official integration in home assistant. wtf is this.