'Last Alexa'

Hi, I found a last alexa template which I added to my configuraiton.xml file as instructed (Home · custom-components/alexa_media_player Wiki · GitHub)

It doesn’t seem to be working consistently. Sometimes it updates, sometimes it doesnt. Has anyone had any experience with this and know if there is a way of making it consistently update based on the device being used.

My overall aim is to be able to have Alexa commands for Home assistant that can only be executed in the room where that Alexa device resides.



As they often do, Amazon made some significant changes a few months back, and there are only a few volunteer devs who actively work on AMP.

There have been several updates to AMP yesterday and today, some of which were to address the cause of this issue; so make sure you update and restart HA.

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Ok great thanks will do. Good to know that its not just something Im doing wrong.



As of the 25th October, the last used Alexa function has ceased to work altogether. It’s a real shame for home automation. Hope they change their mind and reinstate it.

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Thanks for that info. I am very disappointed because I had some cool automations using it, but glad it is not an error I made.

It seems that they have simply stopped setting the last_called attributes, though they still exist. I verified this with the following template, which lists al the attributes of all the connected echo devices …

{% set entity_list = expand('media_player.amazon_echo_smart_speakers')  | map(attribute='entity_id') | list | sort  %}
{% for entity in entity_list %}
{{ "\n" + state_attr(entity, 'friendly_name') + "\n\n" }}
  {%- set attr_list = states[entity].attributes | sort  -%}
  {% for attr in attr_list -%}
    {{ attr | string + " = " + state_attr(entity, attr) | string + "\n"}}
  {%- endfor-%}
{%- endfor -%}

My system returns:

Garage echo

available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Garage echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.685398+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253

Guest bedroom Echo

available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Guest bedroom Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.842163+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
volume_level = 0.3

Kitchen Echo

available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Kitchen Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:36.258412+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
volume_level = 0.4

Living room Echo

available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Living room Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.921614+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
volume_level = 0.4

Main bedroom Echo

available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Main bedroom Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.998207+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
volume_level = 0.4

Spare room Echo

available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Spare room Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.759269+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253

So certainly in my system all three attributes related to last_called return None for every device :cry:

Whether this is Amazons high-up policy or a low-down programming error, who knows? :thinking: