Thanks for that info. I am very disappointed because I had some cool automations using it, but glad it is not an error I made.
It seems that they have simply stopped setting the last_called attributes, though they still exist. I verified this with the following template, which lists al the attributes of all the connected echo devices …
{% set entity_list = expand('media_player.amazon_echo_smart_speakers') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list | sort %}
{% for entity in entity_list %}
{{ "\n" + state_attr(entity, 'friendly_name') + "\n\n" }}
{%- set attr_list = states[entity].attributes | sort -%}
{% for attr in attr_list -%}
{{ attr | string + " = " + state_attr(entity, attr) | string + "\n"}}
{%- endfor-%}
{%- endfor -%}
My system returns:
Garage echo
available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Garage echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.685398+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
Guest bedroom Echo
available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Guest bedroom Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.842163+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
volume_level = 0.3
Kitchen Echo
available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Kitchen Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:36.258412+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
volume_level = 0.4
Living room Echo
available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Living room Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.921614+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
volume_level = 0.4
Main bedroom Echo
available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Main bedroom Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.998207+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
volume_level = 0.4
Spare room Echo
available = True
bluetooth_list =
connected_bluetooth = None
friendly_name = Spare room Echo
is_volume_muted = False
last_called = None
last_called_summary = None
last_called_timestamp = None
media_content_type = standby
media_position_updated_at = 2024-02-09 04:10:35.759269+00:00
source = Local Speaker
source_list = [‘Local Speaker’]
supported_features = 56253
So certainly in my system all three attributes related to last_called return None
for every device
Whether this is Amazons high-up policy or a low-down programming error, who knows?