Last_changed attribute is not in current timezone

I have weird behavior:
In my logbook, my entity: binary_sensor.hallway_actuator_button it shows that was triggered 26min ago (23:46:51) on 7th of December
But when I go to my template editor and wirte this line of code: {{states.binary_sensor.hallway_actuator_button.last_changed}} it shows me exactly one hour earlier. It seems it shows UTC time (22:46:51). Im in the UTC+1 timezone, and I checked under General tab, and I can clearly see that my timezone is configured to Europe/MyCity (UTC+1)
What went wrong here?

Nothing, the timestamps under the hood are all utc. What you get out of the templates are values that are under the hood.

I figured it out. I needed a wrapper as_timestamp() for this matter. thanks