Last updates looks to have broken Zigbee2MQTT - Sonoff SNZB-01 Zigbee Wireless Switch (rdeangel_mod)

None of my Buttons using this blueprint works, Im on day 2 of this, and tried

  • roll back the update,
  • Re-import blueprint
  • Make a new automation using it ( that also do not work )
  • I tried other blueprints, but one only saw battery status of the buttons

I guess I need to ask for some tips or Ideas Im able to make new automation work if I do not use any of the blueprints but like to find out why it stopped and like the simple support for multiple clicks

This one dont find the buttons

Hi Jasper,

For the short term you can turn the action entities back on, then work on changing your automations to use event entitys or device triggers.

You can look at this to see how I suggested my users switch back in the short term. These entities are deprecated, and will go away so you will need to update stuff, but this way you get your house back. (for the time being)

Thanks, its only few 6 buttons but kind mess :slight_smile: and worse when my wife complains that “nothing” is working I take the shortcut for now just to get some peace …

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So, done that, enable the MQTT functions, just a note to anybody reading along, the system needs a restart to make this work ( I did that ). It might be MQTT restart only will also work,

Thanks for working and despite being told, I spend more time “fixing” HA than just pushing the buttons on a wall, from the one who always must be Obeyed Im happy to keep going with HA :wink:

Ya you have to restart because the Broker was cleared of all the entities, but HA still knows them for a while and they all just work again.

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