Last Will & Testament (LWT) of MQTT client not triggered

I installed the Mosquitto broker (6.0.1) add-on on my Home Assistant (2022.3.3, OS 5.10.92-v8). Publish and subscribe of messages is working perfectly.

However, when configuring the Last Will & Testament (LWT) of an external MQTT client, the message is not published, when the MQTT client disconnects. This is how I test the LWT:

Listening instance” (running on the Raspberry where HA is installed):
mosquitto_sub -h -p 8883 --cafile CA.pem --cert client1.pem --key client1.key -t "test/#"

Instance to test LWT” (running on the Raspberry where HA is installed):
mosquitto_sub -h -p 8883 --cafile CA.pem --cert client2.pem --key client2.key -t "test/#" --will-topic "test/lwt" --will-payload "disconnected"

Using netstat -lna I cann see both clients connected:

tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0      ESTABLISHED

Now, when I terminate the “Instance to test LWT” I would expect seeing the LWT message on the “Listening client”. But no message appears. The client is really disconnected when looking at netstat again.

What am I missing in the MQTT configuration?