Latest 0.91.3 Update and light on Bruh Multisensor / maybe MQTT problems?

Anyone else have a problem with loading the newest version of home assistant and some sensors?
some of my sensors did not pick back up in the latest update in version 0.91.3

I am having some minor issues with TPlink that could be the issue on the update (errors below):

Error setting up platform tplink
11:33 AM components/device_tracker/ (ERROR)

Router didn’t respond with JSON. Check if credentials are correct.
11:33 AM components/tplink/ (ERROR)

Router didn’t respond with JSON. Check if credentials are correct
11:33 AM components/tplink/ (ERROR)

Couldn’t fetch auth tokens! Response was: <Script language=JavaScript> var errorCode = 501; var errorNote = “<p>File not found</p>”; var homeSite = “”; </script> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Error</TITLE> <META http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html; charset=iso-8859-1”> </HEAD> <BODY> <DIV style=“padding:0px 30px;”> <script type=“text/javascript”> function goHome() { window.parent.location.href = homeSite; } document.write("<h1>" + errorCode +"</h1><hr>"); document.write(errorNote); </script> <p><a href="#" onClick=“goHome()”>Go Home</a></p> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML>
11:33 AM components/tplink/ (ERROR)

AP didn’t respond with JSON. Check if credentials are correct
11:33 AM components/tplink/ (ERROR)

It’s wild, All three Bruh multisensors are reading the temperature / humidity readings. For some reason only one of the three is reading the motion sensor and two are not. Same thing for the LED lights the one that the motion sensor is working is fine, but the other two are dark. Any help?

I got it working again, but stopping my MQTT broker and restarting. Wild… Also got light to work on one of the sensors by unplugging it and plugging it back in. Definitely a new one for me.