Latest update HA => scripts @ Shelly bulb no longer work

My scripts (for Shelly bulb) no longer work after last update off HA. Scripts worked fine last months; anything changed in the “Shelly-scripting-code”? Eventually I also updated the shelly discovery script and the firmware of the bulb => no improvement. I spent the best part of the day trying to fix it and am running out of options / ideas, so I need some help. Any clues?

My scripts.yaml

  alias: bulb_flash_red
  - data:
      payload: '{"mode": color, "green": 0, "red": 255, "blue": 0, "effect": 4, "gain":
      qos: 2
      topic: shellies/shellybulb-7914D8/color/0/set
    service: mqtt.publish
  - data:
      payload: 'on'
      qos: 2
      topic: shellies/shellybulb-7914D8/color/0/command
    service: mqtt.publish
  - delay: '10'
  - data:
      payload: 'off'
      qos: 2
      topic: shellies/shellybulb-7914D8/color/0/command
    service: mqtt.publish
  alias: bulb_flash_green
  - data:
      payload: '{"mode": color, "red": 0, "blue": 0, "green": 255, "effect": 4, "gain":
      qos: 2
      topic: shellies/shellybulb-7914D8/color/0/set
    service: mqtt.publish
  - data:
      payload: 'on'
      topic: shellies/shellybulb-7914D8/color/0/command
    service: mqtt.publish
  - delay: '50'
  - data:
      payload: 'off'
      qos: 2
      topic: shellies/shellybulb-7914D8/color/0/command
    service: mqtt.publish
  alias: bulb_flash_blue
  - data:
      payload: '{"mode": color, "green": 0, "red": 0, "blue": 255, "effect": 4, "gain":
      qos: 2
      topic: shellies/shellybulb-7914D8/color/0/set
    service: mqtt.publish
  - data:
      payload: 'on'
      qos: 2
      topic: shellies/shellybulb-7914D8/color/0/command
    service: mqtt.publish
  - delay: '4'
  - data:
      payload: 'off'
      qos: 2
      topic: shellies/shellybulb-7914D8/color/0/command
    service: mqtt.publish

Just solved it …