Latitude and longitude have 2 decimal signs precision

I noticed that my Tiles, as well as my and partner’s phones, are away for several weeks. Checked location attributes, and ALL of them have:
Latitude: 49.26
Longitude: -122.78

GPS precision attribute varies from 4 to 100.

Which is in my area, but very unprecise, so located like 400m from my home.
How can i revert it back to full numbers instead of 2 decimal signs?

Latitude and Longitude is not meters, but degrees and 2 decimal on those numbers is really insanely inaccurate or you are living in a special place to hit those numbers.
Longitude and Latitude normally have like 12-14 decimals.

Yeah I know that. I’m curious why map does show correct info, but trackers are away - and lat/lon are shown so inaccurately…

Did you turn of high precision location on the phones?

Sure. Checked with 3rdparty app, location is precise. Also, as I said, map shows all devices in precise places. But device_trackers not…

Those numbers are they read from the developer tools or somewhere else?
Try to look in the developer tools, so we know if it is the value or the view.

2 decimal places get you to within 1.11km accuracy (not sure what that is in freedom units), so being ~400m from his location is certainly feasible

Frankly anything more than 5 is pointless unless you’re trying to locate a specific grain of sand

True, but still insanely inaccurate to pinpoint a device as being home or not, unless you own a golf resort or such.

Tell that to the GPS vendors.
We just get the number handed to use from the chip.

Alright, so as always, I’m the problem.

We moved recently, and I adjusted home zone to new location. However, I forgot that I have customization for home zone (wanted to reduce radius), so in config YAML it was still old…

Sorry for bothering.

As long as it got solved.
I think we have all been there, even the experienced ones, and we will all go there again for sure.
We are not computers, so we forget and fail, but computers they crash!

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What du you mean by that?
I have also the problem, that a geo location just returns 2 decimal digits and I wonder why.
I have set my home zone using the UI and don’t remember if I customized it (can happen every now and then ;-).
Could you please let me know where you customized it, so that I can check to be sure?
Thank you!

In configuration.yaml I have record in zone: section with long/lat and radius. Check if you have it.

hmmm… I don’t have that.
So there must be something else wrong on my side.
Thanks for your help to clarify this so quickly!

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Make sure that it is not just the view that shows 2 decimals.
Check the developer tools state of the sensors.


Shame on me.
You are right, the additional decimal values are cut off!
Thank you!