Launch Plex on Hisense TV via MQTT

Hi, I’ve spent a couple of days setting up MQTT to control my Hisense TV.
It’s all working well apart from one thing…

When I try and launch Plex via a script, I get a picture of a dog with the message ‘Please check your internet connection’

I’m using the following topic/payload:

{"name": "Plex", "urlType": 37,"storeType": 0,"url": "plex"}

Same result with:

{"appIcon": "","appId": "","has_detail_page": 0,"isLocalApp": 1,"name":"Plex","storeType": 0,"type": 0,"url": "","urlType":0 }

If I launch Plex using the TV Remote (Home->Plex app) it opens the Plex app I know and love.

I’ve been through all the Hisense threads on here but can’t seem to figure it out.
Are there 2 apps on these TVs? Can anyone help with the correct topic/payload?

Any help appreciated.

For info:
HA build is 2022.9.0
Mosquitto: 2.0.15
TV : H50A6200UK

For anyone needing help with this further down the line, here what got me away…

  "appIcon": "",
  "appId": "",
  "has_detail_page": 0,
  "isLocalApp": 1,
  "name": "Plex",
  "storeType": 0,
  "type": 0,
  "url": "",
  "urlType": 1