Laundrify in Home Assistant

I haven’t seen a washer with a 30min soak step :thinking: is it a special program to remove stains or is it happening on (most likely the beginning of) every cycle?

What I did see a lot though, are washers with a broken heater or a broken pump, resulting in an atypical energy pattern as well.

which would also be a valuable information, and leads to new monetizing possibilities: “Due to power investigations, it seems your washing mashine is broken. Why not try this one:

Thank you for the information!

Hi @arganto ,

Would be interested in the power consumption as well. Can you tell me how you did that with the Rest API?


Unfortunately I moved away from Laundrify to a completely local working plug, where I have the energy and power directly in the integration.

But did is this way before


   - platform: rest
     name: "Trockner"
     resource: "http://ìp/status"
     value_template: '{{ value_json["power"]["watts"] }}'
     unit_of_measurement: "W"
     scan_interval: 30

When will the power comsumption be available in HA? It is available in the App for a few good month now.

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I just received my first two laundrify plugs - working pretty well so far.

I understood that right now the HA integration does not include the actual power consumption.
I also noticed that it’s available locally via http://ip-of-the-plug/status .
And usually I’d actually prefer that, but my basement is not connected to my local network (MiFi router with sim card).
So, is there a way to retrieve the consumption via the API ( already?

Interesting, didn’t know that.
How cann u display the power copnsumption from the ip-status in HA?

@arganto, I try to implement my Laundrify Trockner like you shown above. But I´m not sure, in witch section I have to copy your lines of code. configuration.yaml … and then?

Hopefully Laundrify will implement this in the close future…

Do you have it “below”


And changed ip to your laundrify-ip?

If it is still working as in the time I used it, a HA restart should create the template entitiy with values.

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Also tried to implement my Trockner like shown by argantto. No success here, thre is no new entity with the name “Trockner”. Not sure what I’m doing wrong hence I don’t have any experience in yaml.

Gave this a second chance since the official integrations still does not provide any information regarding power consumption.
The code from @arganto worked for me. I can now see the power consumption of the dryer and washing machine.
The created sensor unfortunately does not provide a unique id. Any thoughts on how to get this new sensor working in the energy dashboard?

Set a device class and a total_increasing per customizing,

  state_class: total_increasing
  icon: mdi:chart-histogram
  device_class: energy

just for my understanding (since I’m not familiar with customizing): where do I nedd to put that code?
Can i put it just anywhere in my configuration.yaml?

Edit: @arganto I added thelines to my configuration.yaml but I’m still getting the Infotmation, that there is no unique ID.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 125212
Screenshot 2024-04-02 125321

non-unique-id will stay, because rest sensor does not support it.

But the customing has to be inserted according to the documentation i have linked.

Her the details link within my generals one.


thx for the quick answer. Is there a way, the new sensors will bei available in the energy dashboard?

Confused. This is exactly the topic/need with the customization we are taking about.

Hm ok, I’ve added the code as seen in my screenshot but the sensor does not show up as a possible source to be added on the energy dashboard.

I added two links how and where to add it. Did you even click on it and read?