Laundry Automation Not Working

What am I doing wrong here?

My automation detects when my dryer starts and stops, using a Shelly EM, and notifies me when it stops. It should continue to notify me every 5 minutes until I go open the laundry room door (and presumably get the clothes out). However, it continues to notify me even after I open the laundry room door. This gets rather annoying.

I am using a helper to track the current status of the dryer, with the values of “Running” while the dryer is going, “Done” when the dyer has stopped, and “Off” once I’ve opened the door. The state of the helper changes to “Running” and “Done” but never changes to “Off”.

As a note, I plan to replicate this automation for my washer too, so getting it working for the dryer first would be great.

alias: Washer/Dryer Automations
description: ""
  - alias: Dryer Turn On
    trigger: numeric_state
      - sensor.dryer_power
    id: Dryer Turn On
    below: -200
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
  - alias: Dryer Turn Off
    trigger: numeric_state
      - sensor.dryer_power
    id: Dryer Turn Off
    above: -200
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 5
  - trigger: state
      - binary_sensor.sensor_laundry_room_door
    to: "on"
    alias: Laundry Room Door Open
    id: Laundry Room Door Open
conditions: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - Dryer Turn On
          - action: input_select.select_option
            metadata: {}
              option: Running
              entity_id: input_select.dryer_status
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - Dryer Turn Off
          - action: input_select.select_option
            metadata: {}
              option: Done
              entity_id: input_select.dryer_status
          - repeat:
                - action: notify.notify
                  metadata: {}
                    message: Come get the clothes!
                    title: Dryer is Done
                - delay:
                    hours: 0
                    minutes: 5
                    seconds: 0
                - condition: state
                  entity_id: input_select.dryer_status
                  state: "Off"
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - Laundry Room Door Open
          - if:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: input_select.dryer_status
                state: Done
              - action: input_select.select_option
                metadata: {}
                  option: "Off"
                  entity_id: input_select.dryer_status
mode: single

What do the automation traces say?

Your automation is in “single” mode, meaning that while it is sitting in the infinite 5-minute loop, a new trigger (opening the laundry door) does not start another execution.

So anytime it is sending notifications, the helper cannot turn to Off because it is blocked from starting any new runs of the automation.

You probably need parallel mode if you want to combine this all in a single automation. But be careful you don’t trigger it into running multiple times.

Good catch! Up until now I had never run into automations where multiple instances were running at the same time. Should I do Parallel or Restart? I was thinking Restart because when the door opens, then I’d stop the existing instance with infinite loop of notifications, and start a new instance which sets the helper to Off.

I’ll admit I am not really sure how to read automation traces. Is there a good tutorial for that?

Settings > Automations & scenes > Click the 3 dots next to the automation and then click Traces

In this one, you can see it failed due to being outside the timeframe

Thank you. Changing the mode to Restart seems to solve the issue.