Laundry is finished TTS

Could you awesome peeps here give me a hand please? I just cant get it through to 100% :wink:
The boolean sets to on when the machine starts, but doesnt turn it off when finished, so somewhere in between is something wrong.
If I manually turn if off sonos do the TTS. It seems like the timer isn’t started like supposed to, and therefor doesnt finish

 # Washer starts, W goes above 5, boolean sets to on
 # If the machine isnt finished, it will go above 5W and cancel any active timer
- action:
  - entity_id: input_boolean.tvattmaskin
    service: input_boolean.turn_on
  - entity_id: timer.tvattmaskin
    service: timer.cancel
  alias: TvÀttmaskinen startar
  condition: []
  id: 'Tvattmaskin1'
   - platform: template
     value_template: '{{ states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w > 5 }}'
# Washer pauses, (or ends) W goes below 5W, Timer starts for 2min.
- action:
  - service: timer.start
    entity_id: timer.tvattmaskin
  alias: TvÀttmaskinen stannar
  condition: []
  id: 'Tvattmaskin2'
   - platform: template
     value_template: '{{ states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w < 5 }}'
# The washer was finished, timer ends and will set the boolean to off
- action:
  - service: input_boolean.turn_off
    entity_id: input_boolean.tvattmaskin
  alias: TvÀttmaskinen stannar
  condition: []
  id: 'Tvattmaskin3'
  - platform: event
    event_type: timer.finished
      entity_id: timer.tvattmaskin
# The boolean sets to off, and Sonos tells us the washer is done.
- action:
  - service: script.say
       delay: 00:00:05
       volume: 0.2
       message: TvÀttmaskinen Àr klar
       where: media_player.vardagsrum
  alias: TvÀttmaskinen talar
  condition: []
  id: 'Tvattmaskin4'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.tvattmaskin
      to: 'off'

I haven’t looked through it all, but I think the delay amount should be in quotes and out of the data section, so something like this:

- action:
    delay: '00:00:05'
  - service: script.say
       volume: 0.2
       message: TvÀttmaskinen Àr klar
       where: media_player.vardagsrum

Thanks for your input
The boolean isn’t switching off when the laundry is done, if I turn it off manually in the frontend the Sonos speaks as supposed. So I tripped somewhere on the timer would be my guess

Sadly the snapshot/restore doesnt work on my Sonos right now, but thats another issue to be fixed later.

I approched this a bit differently.

Created a template sensor that sets the washer to ON if power consumption is more then 2.5W. Adjust to fit your machine.

  - platform: template
        value_template: >-
            {% if states('sensor.fibaro_powerplug_vaskemaskin_power') | float > 2.5 %}
            {% else %}
            {%- endif %}
        icon_template: '{% if is_state("sensor.vaskemaskin", "pÄ") %}mdi:power{% else %}mdi:sleep{% endif %}'
        friendly_name: 'Vaskemaskin'

Then just a simple automation to send sonos tts after its been off for 30secs:

  - alias: 'TTS when washer done'
    initial_state: True
      platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.vaskemaskin
      from: 'pÄ'
      to: 'av'
        seconds: 30
      - service: script.sonos_tts
          sonos_entity: media_player.gang
          volume: 0.3
          message: 'Vaskemaskinen er ferdig'
          delay: '00:00:05'

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

1 Like

Thanks, I will try this tomorrow after work :grin:

Tried your suggestion but still no success,
Seems like something is still broken
 trying the template engine

TvÀttmaskinen drar just nu: {{ states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w }} W
gives me the output:
TvÀttmaskinen drar just nu: 4.355 W
(testing with a bulb right now)

So by creating:

{% if ("states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w" '> 5') %} PĂ„
{% else %} Av
{% endif %}

Gives me the output:
Which is wrong

And trying with

Det betyder att tvÀttmaskinen Àr: {% if is_state_attr('switch.tvattmaskinen_3', 'current_power_w', 'above: 4')  %}
            {% else %}
            {%- endif %}

Gives me AV

What on earth am i templating wrong with this switch? It is reporting the wattage correctly.

I think you shouldn’t have the condition in string. Remove the quotes. You could also try to cast power value to int before checking condition.

There’s actually a much simpler solution that doesn’t require Booleans.
Have a look at the washing machine example at the bottom of this.

Add to your notification automation

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That’s about the new approach I need help templating
 I just can’t get it to work.
As my switch reports W correctly and I’ve tried a few different approaches, I just cant get the condition to work.

Tried to work without quotes and switched the positions, and no luck
I just don’t understand why HA can’t get the condition right.

Here it is. the sensor and notification automation. My sensor is the Sonoff POW switch.

in the template sensor, this sensor ( states.sensor.washing_power.state) is the raw data from the switch.

I use the same template as @sjabby it works fine. Try this;

if states('states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w') | float > 5 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}


TvÀttmaskinen drar {{ states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w }} W
{% if states('states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w') | float > 4 %}
{% else %}

Gives me:
TvÀttmaskinen drar 4.398 W


I just can’t understand why HA is doing something wrong with the information it gets from the attribute.
It’s clearly seeing the current wattage (thats why I use the first line)

testing with changing the condition less/more
 (testing with a bulb so the wattage does vary i little from time to time)

TvÀttmaskinen drar {{ states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w }} W

{% if states('states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w') | float > 4 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

TvÀttmaskinen drar 4.308 W


TvÀttmaskinen drar {{ states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w }} W

{% if states('states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w') | float < 4 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

TvÀttmaskinen drar 4.363 W


It’s not HA doing something wrong here

Not sure

{% if ('states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w') | float > 5 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

That gives me:
TvÀttmaskinen drar 4.124 Watt

Which indeed is true! yay :slight_smile: alright, for testing purposes I lower the number to 4 to see if it reports PÄ 

But still it gives:
TvÀttmaskinen drar 4.173 Watt


I have a feeling that it jumps to the else argument as the value aint exactly right in the if argument

Yeah, you need to play around with the sensor as I can’t help you with that. Try

{% if states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w | float > 5 %}

look at ya :wink: awesome

{% if states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w | float > 5 %}PÅ
{% else %}
{% endif %}

{% if states.switch.tvattmaskinen_3.attributes.current_power_w | float > 4 %}PÅ
{% else %}
{% endif %}



Wow, I’m surpized myself :wink: Glad it works