Layout-card + entity-filter?

I’d like to combine layout-card and entity-filter so that I can have “horizontal” cards (via layout-cards), but only the ones with useful info (via entity-filter). However they do not seem to be playing well together. My sample YAML:

title: My Awesome Home
  - path: test-yaml
    title: Example
    panel: true
    badges: []
      - type: custom:layout-card
        layout: horizontal
        - type: entity-filter
          show_empty: false
            - entity: binary_sensor.updater
              - 'on'
        - type: weather-forecast
          entity: weather.home

This gives me a horizontal layout as desired, and the enitity-filters work. However, if the entity filters ends up with no card (e.g. show_empty=false), no card is displayed ( :smiley:), however space is left for the card ( :unamused:). That is, the weather card is right justified rather than being centered. How do I get a filtered card to truly not take space?

You ever figure this out? I am attempting to do something similar where I only want to see the lights that are on but still want to maintain formatting.

This custom card does not have the empty card place holder issue: