šŸ”¹ Layout-card - Take control of where your cards end up

You can, you need the same number of cells on each row, so you need to break down the row into something thatā€™s divisible by every split you want to make. It can get very messy, very quickly.

I tend to try and stick to either 50%, 25%, or (at a push) 20% cells. 20% would make it easy to do 20/80 and 60/40 on different rows.

"top20 top80 top80 top80 top80"
"mid60 mid60 mid60 mid40 mid40"

It can be easier just to use two layout cards in a vertical stack and play with margins etc.

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The joys of using an iPad keyboard - Iā€™ve updated it.

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Iā€™ve never tried, controlling height does seem tricker, especially if you want it to flex for different screen sizes. Problem is that because the browser scrolls thereā€™s not a finite 100%.

Thanks. But, i wonā€™t even try to figure out how and where to insert your ā€œtopā€¦ā€ lines, since, as you suggested, i managed to do something with two layout cards.

Yeah the only way it seems to be to mess with the widths until it fits, not great but will do the job.
It will be for a 1080p screen so it would be cool if you can specific that somehow

Hi Steve, have you managed to solve your problem? Iā€™m struggling with exactly the same thing. I just want a very simple layout where the first column is a bit smaller than the other columns. But I also want the cards to appear right underneath each other in the different rows. So no grid for the rows. I just canā€™t get it done. Any help would be highly appreciated!

PS: What seems to work is to place all cards in one column into a vertical stack. But this should not be the only solution.

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Hey - was just trying to figure this out myself.

Under layout, there is a padding option. If you set:

type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: custom:grid-layout
  margin: '-4px'

ā€¦it should do the trick! I think its adding some double padding by using grid for the main layout and then layout card inside of it. Something like that.

I went to try that out and forgot I had changed that tab around and tossed the layout-card. I will give a another shot at some point though.


Sorry for the late reply no I didnā€™t I just added them into stacks like you mention.

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I keep getting the following error message:

https://my nabu casa number .ui.nabu.casa/hacsfiles/lovelace-layout-card/layout-card.js?hacstag=156434866244:13:3316 TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ā€˜this._observer.disconnectā€™)

I have the following line in configuration.yaml:

- url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-layout-card/layout-card.js?v=2.4.4
  type: module

I have also tried type: js but that give the same error message

can someone tell me whatā€™s wrong or why i am getting this message?


Hi, is it possible to create a nested grid? If not is it the best option to play with margins and paddings or something else? Thanks

Is there the possibility to specify a min-width? When resizing the window, it currently adds another column too early, having the other columns with too low width, so content partly does not fit into its cards.
I just see a max width and a fixed width. Or what would be the right approach to ensure that columns do not become too small?

Second question, I see that the parameter min_height is not mentioned anymore for the integration as available parameter, but it is still being considered by it (layout is different with or without this parameter). So is this now an undocumented feature? :wink:

I love this layout-card, even for me that is a hopeless homeautomation enthusiast without any coding konwledge this is dead simple.

But, the most painful thing, which is a showstopper for the moment. Why canā€™t I cast this to a Nest Hub Max? I have seen in this thread that other people have experienced this as well, as far as 4 years back. Any solution?

Iā€™m using

width: 367
max_width: 500

and get more or less the standard behavior then.

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Is there a way to set the column where to place a card

  column: 3

depending on the number of columns displayd? So if 3 then 3, if 2 then 2. In general to most right one. Via conditions or templates or .?

Or/And it there a possibility in grid view to have not really a grid, but columns or more than one card per frid slot. So that I and define it with media queries as I want?

Thanks, the width seems to also be a minimum width, as the cards still increase a bit when the window size is increased.


I need some help here. I have gone through this post and the CSS Guide, and I canā€™t quite figure out how to make this work.

I want this logbook entry (which is part of a vertical stack with a header and footer image card) to show up in square 7 in exactly the right place. Once I get it in the right place, I will blank out the background behind it. I plan to do the same with more cards, buttons, etc once I get this first thing in the right place.

No matter what I do, this card is locked in position 7. Thatā€™s good. Itā€™s just that the grid square doesnt show up where CSS should be putting it. Itā€™s filling almost half the page width and almost half of the height.

  - theme: Backend-selected
    title: test
    path: test
      grid-template-columns: 30% 12% 58%;  ## Also tried: 896px 352px 1784px;
      grid-template-rows: 11% 17% 40% 26% 6%;
      grid-template-areas: >-
        "header header header" "main1 main2 main3" "main4 main5 main6" "main7
        main8 main9" "footer footer footer"
    type: custom:grid-layout
    badges: []
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main1
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main4
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: header
        ## I threw in these gap cards to see if they would help.
        ## The card *did* move down, but still not to where it belongs.
	- type: vertical-stack
          grid-area: main7
          - type: markdown
              class: header-right
            content: '# Logs'
          - type: logbook
              - sensor.openweathermap_condition
              - binary_sensor.updater
              ## Etc....
              class: middle-right
          - type: markdown
              class: footer-right
            content: '##  '

If I wasnā€™t already bald, I would have pulled all of my hair out. What am I missing???

With the gap cards in place, everything shows up with the correct general arrangement, but the cards just donā€™t go inside of and fill their grids. The first column should be a bit smaller, the middle, very small, and the last, most of the page. The row heights arenā€™t working either. Everything is showing up equal in width. I have tried everything with no luck.

  - theme: Backend-selected
    title: Lighting
    icon: mdi:lightbulb-group
    type: custom:grid-layout
      grid-template-rows: 11% 17% 30% 26% 6%;
      grid-template-columns: 30% 12% 58%;
      grid-template-areas: >-
        "top top top" "main1 main2 main3" "main4 main5 main6" "main7 main8
        main9" "bottom bottom bottom"
      justify-content: stretch;
    background: center / cover no-repeat url(/local/USS%20Camden%20NCC-99734.png) fixed
      - user: b1dc9ff152ba40f29bc03d6c23a29459
    badges: []
      - type: vertical-stack
          - type: markdown
              class: header-right
            content: '# Logs'
          - type: logbook
              - sensor.openweathermap_condition
              - binary_sensor.updater
               ## Etc....
              class: middle-right
                - height: 100px
                - width: 100px
          - type: markdown
              class: footer-right
            content: '##  '
          grid-area: main7;
          place-self: stretch;
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main1
            - width: 100px
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: bottom
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main2
            - width: 50px
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main3
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main4
            - width: 100px
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main5
            - width: 50px
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main6
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main8
            - width: 50px
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: main9
      - type: custom:gap-card
          grid-area: top

Hey Guys/Gals,

Iā€™m having a lot of trouble here. I have tried various variations of this but I canā€™t seem to get it working. I am trying to have 3 column, but nothing seems to work.

  - title: Home
      - type: custom:layout-card
        column-with: 100%
        layout_type: horizontal
          max_columns: 3
          - type: custom:stack-in-card
              column_num: 1
              - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
                entity: light.all_lights
                name: House
                fill_container: true
                primary_info: name
                icon: mdi:home
              - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
                entity: light.master_lights
                fill_container: true
                show_color_control: false
                name: Master
                show_brightness_control: true
                icon: hue:room-bedroom
                collapsible_controls: true
              - type: custom:mushroom-light-card
                entity: light.kitchen_lights
                name: Ktichen
                icon: mdi:countertop-outline
              - type: custom:stack-in-card
                  column_num: 2
                mode: vertical
                  - type: custom:clock-weather-card
                    entity: weather.openweathermap
                    sun_entity: sun.sun
                    weather_icon_type: line
                    animated_icon: true
                    forecast_days: 5
                    locale: en-US
                    time_format: 12
                    date_pattern: P
                    hide_today_section: false
                    hide_forecast_section: true
                  - type: weather-forecast
                    entity: weather.openweathermap
                    show_current: false
                    show_forecast: true
                  - type: weather-forecast
                    entity: weather.home
                    show_current: false
                    show_forecast: true
              - type: custom:layout-break
              - type: thermostat
                entity: climate.home
              - type: custom:layout-break
              - type: markdown
                content: Dummy 4
              - type: custom:layout-break
              - type: markdown
                content: Dummy 5
              - type: custom:layout-break
              - type: markdown
                content: Dummy 6
              - type: custom:layout-break

Trying to remove gaps in the layout-card. I want to use the layout-card (right) instead of the stack-in-card (left). I want the layout-card to look just like the stack-in-card without the gaps and possibly with a background & border. Tried everything I could find, I canā€™t get it. This is the layout-card yaml:

Any ideas to get rid of these gaps or am I missing that itā€™s not possible?