🔹 Layout-card - Take control of where your cards end up

Oh, please excuse me.
The layout doesn’t have to be six columns wide. Then of course a grid layout would be the (only) way to go.
If there would be only room for two columns (companion app) the layout should be:

D1 D2
E1 E2
E3 E4
E5 E6
E7 E8
K1 K2
K3 K4

Use a grid layout, use a grid layout, use a grid layout, use a grid layout. It’s EXACTLY what you’re looking for.

You mean grid-auto-flow: row ?
Will tinker a bit; never used it before…

If I use custom:grid-layout and specify under layout:
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, min-content)
it doesn’t work (each card stretches full-width).
It works with grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 200px), but it cuts large cards at 200px - I need the cards to stretch according to their content - they are never the same size.

So: how do I achieve auto-filling (and -fitting) cards?

Maybe it’s the same issue as @Ghafla is having, but why does a grid layout card have such large padding around entities cards and essentially enlarge the card compared to a pure enities card?

Three entities in grid:

Three entities in entities card:

I would like to get the grid to have the same minimal size as the pure entities card. Is that possible?

Hi Bertie,
I tried all kinds of CSS grid- stuff - it is impossible.
And: a grid is not what I’m looking for since the cards have different widths. With a grid (or standard horizontal) layout the columns are stretched to fit all cards in. This results in some wider columns b/o one wide card with the other cards in that column hanging in limbo with empty space to their right.

What I don’t understand is that not even horizontal-stacks in a vertical-stack(-in-card) work. They all cling to an underlying row/column layout. Why? :sob:

The closest I get is with a view of:

type: custom:grid-layout
badges: []
  column-widths: fit-content(16%)
  width: 140
  card_margin: 3px 1px
  max_cols: 6
  reflow: true
- type: custom:layout-card
  layout_type: horizontal-layout
    max_width: fit-content
  - type: custom:button-card #D1

but the cards are centered on screen (ugly) and small cards sharing their column with a wide card have this terrible gap on the right.
Using place-items: start won’t help that centered look since all cards are then placed leftmost in their own row…

It’s not even in the CSS working group’s draft for version 2 (postponed to version 3).
At least I’m not the only one looking for such item placement: possibility to insert a newline into a grid

I’m still after the solution for my layout problem.
@thomasloven: (How) are the options below view_layout templatable?

  - type: custom:button-card
    template: tmpl_btn_clim
      grid-column: >
        [[[ var cnt = 0;
            if (states[variables.card1].state || states[variables.batt1].state) cnt = cnt + 1;
            if (states[variables.card2].state || states[variables.batt2].state) cnt = cnt + 1;
            if (states[variables.card3].state || states[variables.batt3].state) cnt = cnt + 1;
            if (cnt >2) return 'span 16';
            return 'span 14' ]]]

It’s not part of custom:button-card, so the above javascript doesn’t work.
With Jinja2 I don’t have access to the button-card’s variables…

Is there anything I could do?

Hello, for some time I have this message at the top of my dashboard when I use
layout card
: this view contains multiple cards, but a pinboard can only show 1 card

I’m not completely sure I exactly follow. But this seems to be “fixable” by having more columns and have those wide cards span more than 1? My use case is this: I want cards (lets use the new tile card as example) to only be “half width” when off, so more of them fit on the screen, then when I toggle it on I’m replacing it by a more elaborate card with controls, having it span 2 columns.

The rest of the cards should reflow / fill in any gaps as well as possible.

I’m currently using the column based layouts still (horizontal on main view and masonry on the rest), but would like to implement above using grid layout

I have same problem, you have fix?

Really random request but I have a full page picture-element floorplan, all the rooms and lights working fine. But I want to overlap columns on each side of the picture element (as it has a lot of blank space around the floorplan).

Is it possible to get a grid of 3 columns, with the central column the main picture element and a column either side overlapping? Like a 20%, 100%, 20%, but with an overlap so it doesn’t exced 100% page width? Picture attached below to make it understandable

I don’t know if what you’re asking is possible. But curious, why don’t you just size your picture elements card so it doesn’t have the extra space at the sides, then place it in the middle column?

Thanks for the reply

I wasn’t sure if it was possible, but someone who is a million times better than me might know of a way!

And as for resizing the image, the elements that overlay it are all the same size, so it would mean trimming around 40 images, which, although doable, will take time so was hoping for this way!

Good afternoon. I have been converting my UI over to layout-card because I LOVE the flexibility. Unfortunately I am stuck and after days of searching and testing I cannot seem to get this problem solved. I can’t seem to get rid of the blank space between two cards. The problem is it’s lining the cards up by column and row (I use grid) which it should but it’s using the bottom of each card row to start the next row and that’s leaving a lot of awkward space. What I am trying to do is basically assign cards to their spot in a column but have the rows collapse. Here is what it currently looks like:

Taking a look at Lights i’d like to move those up under action.

This is what my top level layout looks like:

grid-template-columns: 30% 35% 35%
grid-auto-flow: row dense
grid-template-areas: |
  "weather action sensors"
  "family selected sensors"
  "thermo toggles sensors"
  "(max-width: 600px)":
    grid-template-columns: 100%
    grid-template-areas: |

How does one go about creating one of these grid layouts?
I was reading the CSS docs and it’s not very straightforward at all :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

grid-template-columns: 50% 50%
grid-auto-flow: row dense
grid-template-areas: |
  "tl tr"
  "ml mr"
  "foot foot"

Thanks and then I would need to add something like:

  grid-area: foot

To each card while changing the grid-area value to tl, tr, etc?

Yup, that’s the way

You don’t need the grid-auto flow bit, although you might want it to play with spacing etc.

So it sort of works, but the footer card is outside of the screen, how can I limit them to be forced for the 3 rows to be 100% the screen height?

@eggman : you have an error in last line:

"foot foot”

while it should be:

"foot foot"

Note wrong " at the end…it took me a while to figure it out why your template doesn’t work…(yes, i copy/pasted…it’s just a friendly reminder…otherway thanks for this template!)

BTW…is it possible to define different card width for each line? i mean, like “30% 70%” for “tl tr” and , say, “60% 40%” for “ml mr” ?