Lcn binary_sensor

Hi, I started migrating my ioBroker to Home Assitstant last week. I’m not sure if I got everything right, but most of it works fine.

I have a problem with my lcn motion sensors. My configuration.yaml looks like this:

  - Name: Flur-OG Bewegungsmelder
    Address: K27.s0.m15
    Source: binsensor1
  - Name: Flur-EG Bewegungsmelder
    Address: K27.s0.m11
    Source: binsensor1
  - Name: Flur-KG Bewegungsmelderr
    Address: K27.s0.m10
    Source: binsensor1
  - Name: Hobbyraum Bewegungsmelder
    Address: K27.s0.m6
    Source: binsensor1

The motion sensors trigger some lights and they work fine. But the status in the HA does not change.
I think something is wrong with the source entry. What ist the correct entry and how can I find it in the lcn pro? If this is the real problem. Can someone help me? Please excuse my bad English, but it is not my native language.

name, source and address should not be capitalised. Lowercase letters only.

Also this should all be indented under lcn:

    - name: Flur-OG Bewegungsmelder
      address: K27.s0.m15
      source: binsensor1
    - name: Fl etc...

See the example here:

Hi @amiga4ever,

please ensure that each module sends status messages:
In LCN Pro for each module go to 1-Properties ->check "Show extendend" and activate the "Status messages active" flag. In the drop down field select "Local messages" (unless your module is in another segment than your PCHK).
Also "Do not send internal commands" should be deactivated although I think it doesn’t make a difference here.

Since you are already here, you should also ensure that beep on errors is deactivated as the messages will increase in your bus which can lead to undesired beeping.

Thank you very much for your tips. I checked the properties of my modules in the lcn pro and they were all as described. But that gave me the idea that in the pro yes I can display the binary sensors and there I saw that the motion detector is on binary sensor 4 by default. So in the yaml I just have to enter binsensor4 instead of binsensor1. That’s it. The instructions say that the sensor defaults to the B4 button but not that it makes it the sensor 4.

@tom_l: The capital letters seem to have no effect. The docs use uppercase letters as well. My other devices all work with uppercase letters as well.

Many, many thanks.

No they don’t. Follow the link I posted above and look at the example.

No configuration option in home assistant uses capital letters.

Sorry, maybe I see something different than you but when I follow your link I see the following.

Are these not uppercase letters?

Not the values the keys.


This is ok

- key: Value

This is not:

- Key: Value

Yours uses capitalised keys:

  - Name: Flur-OG Bewegungsmelder
    Address: K27.s0.m15
    Source: binsensor1

Mine and the example all use lowercase keys:

    - name: Flur-OG Bewegungsmelder
      address: K27.s0.m15
      source: binsensor1

The value may be capitalised if you want, the key must be lowercase.

Thanks, who can read is clearly at an advantage. I’ll change that yet.