LCN / Setup failed for 'switches': Integration not found and others

Hi everybody,
I started to integrate my LCN installation into HA. As explained in the LCN Integration documentation, I added the lines into configuration.yaml. When I restart the HA server, I get the errors:

2024-05-08 18:10:39.886 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for ‘switches’: Integration not found.
2024-05-08 18:10:39.887 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for ‘lights’: Integration not found.
2024-05-08 18:10:39.888 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for ‘binary_sensors’: Integration not found.

Here is what I added to the configuration.yaml:

scene: !include scenes.yaml


  • name: myhome
    host: (x: the real names are covered)
    port: 4114
    username: xxx
    password: xxxxxxxxxx


  • name: EG Arbeitszimmer Fenster
    address: myhome.s0.m50
    source: binsensor6


  • name: EG Arbeitszimmer Licht
    address: myhome.s0.m50
    output: output1
    dimmable: false
    transition: 5


  • name: EG Wohnzimmer Rollladen runter
    address: myhome.s0.m66
    output: relay1

It looks like HA doesn’t recognise the LCN Integration. What do I do wrong?

Any help appreciated

If you don’t format your code, nobody can tell. Indentation is important in yaml

Thank you. I just found out. Sorry for the amateur question.