LCN with Output-Shutters

I didn’t find anything about it in the search, so new here.

If you integrate shutters at the outputs in the LCN, HA sends a timer command with 8 seconds. But that doesn’t work if you have configured the outputs as motor outputs…
So how can you use the outputs for roller shutters? I don’t want to solve this with virtual crutches.

I‘d like to help but I just don‘t get your point. Are you using the outputs or the relays (motor ports) for the covers? I‘m not aware of any 8s delay in the integration. When exactly does this occur?
Maybe it helps if you post the cover part of your configuration.

Ok… this are two of the covers in the yaml-file:

  • name: “Rollladen Terrassenfenster”
    address: pke.s10.m91
    motor: outputs
    reverse_time: rt1200

  • name: “Rollladen Küche”
    address: pke.s10.m92
    motor: outputs
    reverse_time: rt1200

If I now use this as an entity in the dashboard, the command up/down only comes up with the command : “M004 → S000_M092 Timer O1: = 0%, duration 8.00 sec.”

The PCHK Monitor shows this message with the 8sec duration. LCN-Pro displays it correctly with switching outputs with 1.2sec reverse_time.
I haven’t checked it in detail but if I configure the module’s output ports as motor outputs in LCN-Pro, I would expect that the outputs behave correctly. If they are configured as dimmers outputs, I guess that they ramp up and down with the given duration.
Can you check if the module’s output ports are really configured as motor outputs?

Screenshot 2024-05-28 223000

Of course, they are parameterized as motor switches. Otherwise they would not work in the system or via GVS…

Hi @CarstusKaktus, unfortunately I cannot reproduce your issue. If I attache the cover motor to the output ports of a module, and I move the covers (no matter if triggered from HomeAssistant or LCN-Pro), exactly the same commands are sent to the bus. The covers are moving as expected.

As I said, LCN-Pro reports the correct commands (no matter if triggered from HA or LCN-Pro). The LCN Monitor application is not aware of the module’s configuration as motor-switches and reports it as a timer command with this 8sec delay. That’s ok.

However, both application report several dimming steps for the output ports which basically represents the time set for “auto-off” time and “reverse time”. If the output ports are configured as “motor switches”, the outputs are pulled up to full voltage, as soon as the dimming percentage is >0%.

For me it looks like everything behaves as expected.

Could you describe step-by-step what you are doing? What happens in the logs if you trigger the cover from LCN-Pro? Does this work?
Have you checked the error logs of HomeAssistant? Does the rest of the integration work in HA?

i make a video and send the link…

This is my configuration. ALL other Switches, Covers, Lights etc works fine. Only this 2 Covers doesnt work.

Hi @CarstusKaktus ,
could you please try to set the reverse time for each of your covers which use the output ports to 70ms using

reverse_time: rt70

I guess there are different shutter commands for older and newer modules which is used for reverse time bigger than 70ms. I need to investigate this in more detail but maybe this could be a workaround…
Could you please give me feedback on that?

i have try it before… and i have try it now again … no change