Here is my first Python script ever. It reads an GPIO connected LDR photoresistant sensor and provides the data to Home Assistant. This can be done on the HA system self, but it can also be used on a headless RPi. It can report the value to the console or to an API endpoint of a HA system. It can report the value 1 or multiple times, depending on the input.
usage: [-h] [-p PIN] [-m MAX] [-l LOOP] [-u URL] [-s SLEEP]
[-f LOGFILE] [-v]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PIN, --pin PIN LDR GPIO data pin
-m MAX, --max-value MAX
Max brightness value reported
-l LOOP, --max-loop LOOP
Max number of loops, 0 for indefinate
-u URL, --url URL Url to post the value to, if not provided the output
is console
-s SLEEP, --sleep SLEEP
Number of seconds to wait for next brightness
-f LOGFILE, --log-file LOGFILE
Log file location
-v, --verbose Show verbose logging
Command line Sensor
I have not tested this, please let me know if there are any issues.
- platform: command_line
name: Brightness
command: "python3 /path/to/ -l 1"
# The lower the number reported, the higher the lumen
unit_of_measurement: "Units"
Headless RPi
This is how i use this script.
* * * * * root python3 /path/to/ -l 5 -s 10 -u "http://homeassistant:8123/api/states/input_number.brightness?api_password=yourapikey" -v -f "/var/log/ha_ldr.log"