LE Lampux Light Bulb Intergration

does any body have LE Lampux light bulbs intergrated into their home assistant, i bought some to use with our alexa’s but thought it would be handy to also put them into the home assistant dash but cant find any information on how this can be achieved, i did some someone mention tuya homes assistant but the git seems to have been removed so im at a loose end as to where or what to do?

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I’ve just acquired a Lampux ceiling light. This connects to the Lampux app but does not automatically connect to the Tuya app. It is also no longer flashable through tuya-convert and I don’t want to open it up (it was a pain to install). However, I have a partially working solution which requires you to add the device to the Tuya app rather than the lampux one. Here’s how.

  1. Turn light on and off three times until you get a fast flash. Wait a couple of seconds.
  2. Turn on / off again three times until you get a slow flash - this means the light has entered AP mode.
  3. Add light to Smart Life app - you will need to switch from “EZ mode” to “AP mode” to do this.
  4. Add Tuya integration to Home Assistant (it’s one you add through the UI rather than yaml).

This all works ok but oddly mine shows up as a normal white light rather than an RGB one. I shall continue experimenting to see if I can fix this. Good luck!


I have sorted the RGB issue. Add the following to your configuration.yaml (taken from here).

    light.NumbersAndLettersHere: #entity name
      supported_features: 63

Thank you so much!!. Perfect Solution.

Could you add a little clarity, not sure if something has changed. TuyaSmart - is this what you mean by “Smart Life app” also can you clarify where the EZ Mode to AP mode setting is.

Update: I figured out my confusion.

  1. The app is called TuyaSmart
  2. After you put the lights in AP mode (you can do about 2 at a time if you are working on a track.) I did two, took them out, then did another two leaving only the two I was resetting in at one time
  3. Once the lights are in slow blink mode, do not join any of the AP’s present. Head to the app and add device. The first screen asks for your wifi password, provide this and hit next. The screen after that presents “EZ/AP” mode in the top right. Then the app will guide you to join 1 AP of the lights at a time.

You’re welcome. If you can crack it open and flash with Tasmota (which I ended up doing) the response is a lot smoother than using TuyaSmart. You need to solder headers to the chip though so may not be for everyone.

Glad you got it working. It’s a bit of a faff!

Man I am having a hell of a time with the yaml formatting for this for some reason. Copy paste keeps producing invalid config

Just wanted to say thank you for the above instructions from you all.
I received my Lepro ceiling light today and it was up and running within an 1 hour with the above instructions.

Thanks community!

Adding my thanks.
For the record, I purchased Model 901001-UK-a off Amazon. Quite happy with price vs performance index.
The instructions are all absolutely correct, read really carefully and you’ll get there!
One gotcha was the app permissions (I was using iOS); I said no to most of its requests but you MUST ensure you select Local Network otherwise it will not find the AP.

Just got a Lampus light bulb too, and instructions above work flawless.

Thanks everybody,

Does anyone know how to open the round ceiling lights (model: 901503-EU) ?

I want to flash tasmota on it, so I can use it offline.

Anyone who’s recently purchased a Lepro bulb, follow the above (LE Lampux Light Bulb Intergration - #2 by al35) to first add the device to the Tuya app.
Once done, you need to create a Tuya IoT account. (Separate to your Tuya app account)

I’ll be honest the documentation on this wasn’t great.
So here is a quick step by step.

  1. Create a new project on IoT.tuya.com - when creating the project make sure the data center matches the country of your Tuya App account. The list can be found here - Mappings Between OEM App Accounts and Data Centers-Tuya IoT Development Platform-Tuya Developer

  2. Click Cloud → Development → Select your project → Devices → Link Tuya App Account

  3. Scan the QR code using your Tuya App (On android, this feature is in the ‘Me’ tab located at the top right - looks like a barcode scanner icon) and make sure you select to give all permissions (Read, write, and Manage)

  4. It should then add the device(s) that are linked to your account (if it shows 0 devices, chances are you have an incorrect data center selected)

  5. Add the Tuya integration in homeassistant, adding the Access ID and Secret.
    These can be found under the ‘Overview’ → ‘Authorization Key’ section of the project you created in step 1


this helped me 2406 skill id invalid · Issue #613 · tuya/tuya-home-assistant · GitHub

Hello, i have a problem with the integration of the Lepro Bulbs. The Lamps are around my house in round about 3-4 meters hight, and round about 4 Lamps are connected to one Homematic actor - so i can not Power on/off multitple times only one Bulb. They are all integrated in the Lepro Pro App.

Is there an other Way to add the Bulbs? Or is it possible to add directly 4 Bulbs at one time (with complete Power on/off multiple time over one Homematic actor)?

Then i will add the Lamps direkt in the Smart Life App or have i first to remove they in the Lepro App?

Thanks a lot for your help.

thank you this works flawlessly

In case anyone else ends up at this thread and wants to connect Lepro S1 AI LED Lights, this procedure doesn’t work for these lights. I was kinda hoping it would, but no. :frowning:

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Yeah thats what I was afraid of