Leaving or Entering Home Zone will not trigger any automation

Hi Craig,

That seems to have fixed it, I will know next time I leave my house. After adding the zone manually through the configuration file know I see the orange circle and its pretty far from the original home zone which makes sense why it never triggered by GPS. Not sure what I messed up on install, know I need to find out how to delete the original Home Zone that was created. Thanks for all your help, hopefully that fixes the problem. After rebooting the original home zone created in the setup was removed thanks.

Glad to help.

I’d assume that deleting the new Home zone you just created and then going to Configuration > General and moving the map correctly to your home would work to recreate a home zone.

Good luck

OK, I’d like to restart this thread, as I’m now having exactly the same symptoms and there seems to be some very knowledgeable and helpful people on this thread. Any guidance or hints would be greatly appreciated.

Desired Scenario:

  • I want a spoken announcement on my house-wide SONOS system whenever I arrive home (or to be more precise, whenever my iPhone arrives home). If music is playing, it is temporarily suspended when the mp3 announcement is being played and then should resume afterwards. (This works fine on my Motion Detected announcements, which incidentally still works fine if I approach the front door.)
  • I’m running the mobile HA app on my iPhone 14, with app background refresh enabled, and the app can ALWAYS use my location (and precise location enabled). Latest version of IOS.
  • I have an almost identical automation code to announce front door motion detected by my Ring doorbell (more about that later), which as I said works just fine. (For reasons of brevity, I have not included it, but could if requested.)
  • I’m only interested in the audible notification when somebody (for test purposes, me) arrives home. Couldn’t care less if they’re leaving.

Observed Scenario:

  • When leaving the house (driving out of the garage, my front door Motion Detected automation is bizarrely triggered, along with the announcement that motion has been detected - this NEVER happened before I added the iPhone automation, as my doorbell camera cannot see my driveway - go figure! The Motion Detected automation shows as being triggered in HA, but not in the Ring app, so I don’t think it is getting input from the Ring device itself.) This may be a Red Herring, but again, maybe not.
  • When arriving home, absolutely nothing happens. The iPhone Automation is not triggered. (If I trigger it manually, everything works fine and I get the correct announcement house-wide.)
  • Also, looking at the Diagnostics for the iPhone, it seems to show it is at Home the whole time. I would at least expect it to be Unavailable as it drops off the WiFi network and then indicate Home again once I get within range of the WiFi. Maybe I’m misunderstanding how this should work.
  • I’m using the default Home zone created by HA, which shows the house correctly centered on the map.

The automation code for the iPhone-arriving-home segment is given below:

- id: '1687818094635'
  alias: Darrell Arriving Home
  description: Test for Spoken announcement of me arriving home
  - platform: device
    device_id: 0a49f61e8e7dd8c9ece900962d2ee17e
    domain: device_tracker
    entity_id: device_tracker.darrells_iphone
    type: enters
    zone: zone.home
  condition: []
  - service: sonos.snapshot
      with_group: true
      entity_id: media_player.kitchen_sonos_1
  - service: media_player.play_media
      media_content_id: /local/sounds/darrell_arriving_home.mp3
      media_content_type: music
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 3
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: sonos.restore
      with_group: false
  mode: single

Having a relatively similar problem… I have an automation set to trigger when my phone leaves the home zone. It looks like the automation triggers, but completely bypasses the automation…even though i have set a trigger ID to the choose function… I don’t know why that is happening.

This is my trigger:

platform: zone
entity_id: device_tracker.andrew_samsung_phone
zone: zone.home
event: leave
id: Andrew Away

This is the beginning of the choose action where the trigger id should be called… but this does not get triggered.

  - conditions:
      - condition: trigger
          - Andrew Away
      - condition: state
        entity_id: device_tracker.hilary_lg_phone
        state: not_home

Hi Andrew,

I believe trigger ID’s are required to be lower_case_chase format.

Automation Trigger - Home Assistant.

Also next time you would be better to start a new thread rather than add on to the bottom of one over a year solved with a problem that isn’t solved the same way as the original. This is a completely different problem it turns out.

noted. Thanks for the assist. I was doing a search and this thread popped up. I’ll start a new thread next time.