LED controller - how to set the brightness

I have problem with Mini RGBCCT LED Controller in HA ( Gledopto Zigbee 3.0 DC5-24V Mini RGBCCT RGB WWCW LED from aliexpress).

ha automation code

alias: Gledopto LED 10
description: ""
  - platform: sun
    event: sunset
    offset: "60"
condition: []
  - device_id: a99b322a4dc2fd664acc4a7abe9a36bf
    domain: light
    entity_id: a154ef80bdf2e267af9bbbcc520bb0e3    
    type: brightness_decrease     <<<<<
mode: single

I need to set the brightness to a specific value, but the type parameter does not have such a value

Development tools - states

min_color_temp_kelvin: 2020
max_color_temp_kelvin: 6329
min_mireds: 158
max_mireds: 495
effect_list: blink, breathe, okay, channel_change, finish_effect, stop_effect, colorloop, stop_colorloop
supported_color_modes: color_temp, xy
effect: null
color_mode: null
brightness: null
color_temp_kelvin: null
color_temp: null
hs_color: null
rgb_color: null
xy_color: null
friendly_name: Mini RGBCCT LED Controller
supported_features: 44

I tried to do it like this, but I get an error like this… Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data['data']

alias: Gledopto LED 10
description: ""
  - platform: sun
    event: sunset
    offset: "60"
condition: []
  - device_id: a99b322a4dc2fd664acc4a7abe9a36bf
    domain: light
    entity_id: a154ef80bdf2e267af9bbbcc520bb0e3    
    #type: brightness_decrease
      brightness: 10
mode: single

I would say it seems HA can’t control that light properly.
You probably need a custom quirk.

But there is an appropriate card for control at the HA level, but I don’t know how to handle it in automation


alias: Gledopto LED 10
description: ""
  - platform: sun
    event: sunset
    offset: "60"
condition: []
  - service: light.turn_on
      brightness: 10
      entity_id: a154ef80bdf2e267af9bbbcc520bb0e3
mode: single
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Thanks, it worked :slight_smile:

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