LED Matrix MQTT Sign

It shouldn’t stop and restart - there is something wrong you will need to determine what is wrong - usually by adding the serial monitor and checking the output. I would guess at the WDT or a memory problem.

There aren’t any effects see my reply above, you need to create some automations of the type …

- alias: Send a templated input_text msg to the Sign Line 0
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.mqttsign_line0
      to: 'on'
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: '/10'
    - service: mqtt.publish 
        topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/MSG0'
        payload_template: 'The Current Bitcoin Price is {{ states.sensor.market_price.state }} USD'
    - service: input_text.set_value
        entity_id: input_text.text0
        value: 'The Current Bitcoin Price is {{ states.sensor.market_price.state }} USD'
- alias: Turn Off templated input_text msg to the Sign Line 0
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.mqttsign_line0
      to: 'off'
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/MSG0'
        payload: ''

This is serial output:

it looks like its loosing a mqtt connection and it restarts.

18:04:58.807 -> WIFI connection . . . . . . . . . . OK
18:04:58.841 -> mqtt broker connection . . . . . . . . . . LOST
18:04:58.841 -> ESP Restarting… Please Wait…
18:04:58.908 ->
18:04:58.908 -> ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,7)
18:04:58.946 ->
18:04:58.946 -> load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
18:04:58.946 -> tail 8
18:04:58.946 -> chksum 0x2d
18:04:58.946 -> csum 0x2d
18:04:58.946 -> v8b899c12
18:04:58.946 -> ~ld
18:04:58.982 ->
18:04:58.982 -> ESP starting… Please Wait…
18:04:58.982 -> Set MQTT Server called
18:04:58.982 -> Set MQTT callback called
18:04:59.981 -> Set WIFI hostname
18:04:59.981 -> Begin WIFI
18:04:59.981 ->
18:04:59.981 ->
18:04:59.981 -> ------------------ MQTTSign -------------------
18:04:59.981 ->

I have three display with 3 node MCU-s E12 they all work like this.

Yep that’s what it’s supposed to do as otherwise you won’t have any messages to display.

hey Keith

How did you manage to get Sky News working on this?

This is interesting project that I want to make.

thx for your great idea and I respect you to share this great project.

Is there another way to make it by ESPHOME ?

I want to make it like you : )

The following automation will send the news item (in this case the science feed)…

- alias: Send a templated input_text msg to the Sign Line9
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.mqttsign_line9
      to: 'on'
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/MSG9'
        payload_template: 'Sky Tech Feed 2 {{states.sensor.sky_tech_feed.attributes.entries[1].title}}'
    - service: input_text.set_value
        entity_id: input_text.text9
        value: Sky Tech Feed 2 {{states.sensor.sky_tech_feed.attributes.entries[1].title}}

You will also need the sensor…

- platform: feedparser
  name: Sky Tech Feed
  feed_url: 'http://feeds.skynews.com/feeds/rss/technology.xml'
  date_format: '%a, %b %d %I:%M %p'
    - title
    - link
    - description
    - image
    - language
    - pubDate
    - language

I’m afraid I know nothing about ESPHome :frowning:

Thanks Keith.

I used the feedparser custom component but I get the following [object] issue. What version is your feedparser?

I use 0.0.6 but as far as I know it always looks like that unless you break out each object as shown above.

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you mean in the automations?

@keithh666 I got it working thanks but is there anyway were I could show all t he titles available from Sky Tech Feed? so instead of entries[1].title maybe entries[0].title?

@keithh666 entries[0].title gives the title of the first news only and not all the available news.

There isn’t a synopsis, you could create one with a for loop or just list them all out as it tells you how many there are.

How can I just list them out mate?

Where n is a number between 0 and the number of items-1

You would have to ask someone that knows templating better then me to work it out tho’.

1 Like

Stumbled over this and just wanted to say that I love it, almost gotten it to work and wonders if someone have more working examples and ideas this long after :slight_smile:

Hi fellas u might be interested in this project as it is very advanced in features and more than easy to setup

1 Like

I got tthe wemo to flash with keithh666’s files - thank you.

But the order of the matrix display is out of sync.
its a 8x8 4 modules on a connected PCB.
The displayed text starts a=n the 1st 8x8 then scrolls to #4–>#3 -->#2
so the order is #1–>#4–>#3 -->#2

do i need to change #define MAX_DEVICES 12 ?
or connect the 3 pin on the other side (#4 8x8 module)
AliExp - MAX7219 dot matrix module microcontroller module 4 in one display

Then you have 4 devices :slight_smile: each 8x8 module is a device. The pins can only be connected one way as it says on the underside input on one side to output on the other for connecting another set of devices.