LED Matrix MQTT Sign

Hi @keithh666

Is it possible to have another effect instead of scrolling text? I have checked the parola library and they have many effects which we could use.

Trouble is I do not know how to code and integrate it the way you have done.

Can you advice or guide me please?


Still running strong! Make sure to use correct lib versions, the code is solid but in my experience it will always need some tinkering to get it running (but without this it would be less fun and rewarding) :wink:

Other effects are possible, i removed them but they can be added back without too much hassle. You can make them controllable by mqtt which would be cool. The reason i removed the effects is because after testing them i found them all to be less effective in actual use compared to just scrolling.

Oh can you share the code that you used with the effects please?

Did you post the code which contained different effects? I haven’t seen it

hello - i have problem : can you help… the serial monitor sayd:

wdt reset
load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16
tail 8
chksum 0x2d
csum 0x2d

That’s a WatchDog Timer reset so something is taking over 8 seceonds to complete without letting the wdt update. You will have to say which version of the code you are using (however removing the ota code may stop the problem if you are using it).

1 Like

Would you mind explaining how you have your google calendar garbage pickup functions set up? Do you have specific wording/times set up for each calendar?

I just created 2 new calendars: garbageblue (recycling) and garbageblack (trash), with all day events set up for alternating thursdays (blue is every second thurs, and black is every other second thurs). But I do not have a strong grasp of understanding function nodes to get this to work properly.

Also, would you mind providing an example of code to throw in there if you wanted to attach a lux sensor right to the device (using a pin the D1 mini) so that it can control the brightness based off of its own sensor? This feature does not seem to work when I use one of my bruh multisensor lux sensors as the entity.

Thanks for posting all of your setup so far, it is working well for me.

thanks i think it was the libraries version …

Hi friends can someone post a complete zip with libraries and sketch that works i have tried all and cant get it to work. I have a lolin node mcu V3. And a FC16 module and it wont bust in serial monitor i get a sam wdt restart error like someone before me. This is a project i have left to long on wait. If anyone is kind enough to push the code somewhere with some helpfull insctructions many thanks.

Here is the latest code tho’ I couldn’t include the PubSubClient so you will have to do that via manage libs- you will need version 2.7.

Also the code won’t work with the latest Arduino IDE (ver 1.8.10) due to a libraries conflict, it does work with 1.8.9 :).

Hi Mate… Would you mind sharing the config agiain. I am lost in this Threat here :stuck_out_tongue: how would I send sich a mqtt message?

Something like the following…

#  MQTT Sign automations
- alias: Send a templated input_text msg to the Sign Line 0
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.mqttsign_line0
      to: 'on'
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: '/10'
    - service: mqtt.publish 
        topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/MSG0'
        payload_template: 'The Current Bitcoin Price is {{ states.sensor.market_price.state }} USD'
    - service: input_text.set_value
        entity_id: input_text.text0
        value: 'The Current Bitcoin Price is {{ states.sensor.market_price.state }} USD'
- alias: Turn Off templated input_text msg to the Sign Line 0
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.mqttsign_line0
      to: 'off'
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/MSG0'
        payload: ''
- alias: Send a templated input_text msg to the Sign Line 1
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.mqttsign_line1
      to: 'on'
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: '/1'
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/MSG1'
        payload_template: Time and Date is {{states.sensor.time.state +' '+states.sensor.date.state}}
    - service: input_text.set_value
        entity_id: input_text.text1
        value: Time and Date is {{states.sensor.time.state +' '+states.sensor.date.state}}
#       payload_template: '{{ states.input_text.text1.state }}'
- alias: Turn Off templated input_text msg to the Sign Line 1
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: input_boolean.mqttsign_line1
      to: 'off'
    - service: mqtt.publish
        topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/MSG1'
        payload: ''

# Setup some input_texts in input_text.yaml
  name: Text 0
  initial: Please Do the dishes/load the dishwasher
  name: Text 1
  initial: Please Do you homework
  name: Text 2
  initial: Please wash the car
  name: Text 3
  initial: Please turn your music down

# setup some input_booleans in input_boolean.yaml
# MQTT Sign
    name: MQTT Sign Line0
    initial: off
    name: MQTT Sign Line1
    initial: off
    name: MQTT Sign Line2
    initial: off
    name: MQTT Sign Line3
    initial: off
    name: MQTT Sign Line4
    initial: off

Thanks… but didn’t get the stuff runing yet… it compiles … connects … but sending a message via mqtt in hass wont show any message on the sign itself. Did u change the wiring?
I think i will have to double check the wiring given in the code.

Mines always used D5,6 and 7 on a D1 Mini

#define CLK_PIN D7
#define DATA_PIN D6
#define CS_PIN D5

I just checked the code and indeed i had another wiring… Let me setup hassio and all the stuff (simply from backup) and revert to you. But seems good so far… serial monoitor shows connecting to wifi . My hassio crashed yesterday after having upgraded something … but as I made it in a bunch of actions … I dunno what causes this issue… my homeassistant runs… but webinterface and most of autmations don’t … don’t ask! :slight_smile: But I will tell you for the Matrix sign.

anyway … did u follow the esphome issue to support this LED matrix? did they plan to add it to esphome?

@keithh666 Just a stupid question: #define MAX_DEVICES 12 means the amount of LED panels. Means in this cae 3 banks 4 panels each?

yep #define MAX_DEVICES 12 - means 3x4 panels

I have no idea about ESPHome as I’ve not used it so far.

got it running! mega!! could you just post all configs with input_numbers for speed etc? Then i will make a new writeup wit all informations inside :slight_smile:

I have an idea… wanna send messages to homeassistant via xmpp and show it on the display. is that possicle with test sensor or do you have an idea? At the moment I send messages to homeassistant via xmpp… node red translates those in mqtt and i created a sensor which has the message… well… Then i KNOW!!! :stuck_out_tongue: let me try :stuck_out_tongue:

@keithh666 Got it working … I can now send messages from my phone via xmpp to the panel :slight_smile: I just need a good automation that sends the sensor state (which contains the message) to hass once I sent a message.

Another question. How would I remove the standard demo messages? They are hardcoded. I would need to change the hardcoded messages?

Could you please also post the config parts to change speed… scroll direction etc .

Thanks mate! Great stuff!!

Got it!

  - alias: led matrix - send xmpp messages to matrix
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.xmpp_message_box
      - service: mqtt.publish 
          topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/MSG0'
          payload_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state }}'

This will send new messages received by the sensor to LED Matrix :slight_smile:

I just used the old config example you posted in the very early posts and will see if it works.

EDIT: It does NOT work :confused:
here my automations:


# Scroll
  - alias: MQTT Sign Scroll
#   hide_entity: false
      - platform: state
        entity_id: input_select.mqttsignscrolling
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/'
          payload_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state}}'

# Brightness

  - alias: MQTT Sign Brightness
#   hide_entity: false
      - platform: state
        entity_id: input_slider.mqttsignbrightness
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/INTENSITY'
          payload_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state | int}}'

  - alias: led matrix - send xmpp messages to matrix
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.xmpp_message_box
      - service: mqtt.publish 
          topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/MSG0'
          payload_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state }}'

# Speed

  - alias: MQTT Sign Speed
#   hide_entity: false
      - platform: state
        entity_id: input_slider.mqttsignspeed
      - service: mqtt.publish
          topic: 'cmnd/MQTTSign/SPEED'
          payload_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state | int}}'

Any idea? Input booleans etc are created and hass restarted. Sending messages works…